Title, Authors, Affiliation, Address
The title, authors, and keywords must match those indicated during the abstract submission. Any changes that cannot be implemented independently in the conference management system must be communicated to the review chair.
The document title must be specific, concise, and relevant. Format it in Times New Roman, Bold, 14 points, centered alignment. The authors’ names must be placed below the document title. Format them in Times New Roman regular, 14 points, centered alignment. Affiliations should be placed below the block of author names. Format in Times New Roman, 9 points, centered alignment. Each affiliation must be linked to the respective author using numeric notes, placed at the end of each name and at the beginning of the corresponding affiliation. The address should be inserted on the first page after the end of the first text column, and only for the corresponding author. Specify: Email and optionally the telephone number. Format in Times New Roman, 8 points, left alignment. The address must be associated with the author’s name by placing an asterisk at the end of the name. “Corresponding author: emailaddress@xxx.com tel. +00-000-0000000”
The abstract must be an objective and concise representation of the document. It must be placed on the first page after the address block, and have a maximum length of 200 words.
It must be formatted in Times New Roman, regular, 9 pt, single line spacing, justified alignment in a single full-page column, with a left indent for the first line of 0.5 cm. Right and left margins from the page should be 2 cm, and the bottom margin from the next block should be 6 pt.
They must clearly indicate the main topics covered in the document and correspond to those indicated during the presentation of the abstract.
Insert three to six keywords after the abstract, separating them with commas
The text of the document will start on the first page, after the keywords. It must be formatted in Times New Roman, regular, 10 pt, single line spacing, justified alignment in two columns. There should be 1.5 cm margins on both the right and left sides of the page, with a 0.8 cm gap between the columns. It is highly recommended to use the available templates; in the Word file, styles for texts are available
Internal titles within the text should be Times New Roman, bold, single-spaced, left-aligned, arranged in two columns like the text, with lowercase letters and initial capitals. The font size depends on the level of importance.
First-level title: 12pt body, 12pt space before title, 8pt space after title.
Second-level title: 11pt body, 6pt space before title, 6pt space after title.
Third-level title: 10pt body, 2pt space before title.
It is strongly recommended to use the available templates; in the Word file, styles for texts are available
Paper ID
The paper ID (your paper identification number) received by email should be pasted in the footer of the first page, in the bottom right space. The paper ID is in the format ETCYYYY-XXX, where YYYY is the year of the conference, XXX is the 3-digit format of your paper identification number (i.e. 055 for paper ID 55). The paper ID should be formatted top left aligned, font Times New Roman, 8 pt size.
If you don’t remember your paper ID, you can find it on the platform at https://www.conftool.com/etc16/

Footnotes should be avoided. When necessary they should be indicated with consecutive numbers, and inserted on the bottom of the page in the order of quotation. A black line should be drawn to separate the footnotes from text. A single line-space should be left between text and footnote line.
Equations should be typed flush with the left-hand margin and numbered consecutively. Numbers should be enclosed in brackets on the right. Leave single spacing above and below equations.
Illustrations and tables
Illustrations and drawings should be inserted within the body of the text and individually captioned. Illustrations must be sharp and clear. The use of colors is allowed. Leave a single spacing above and below illustrations and tables. Captions should be typed in Times New Roman, Regular, 10 points. It is recommended to use a minimum resolution of 200 dots per inch (dpi) and a maximum of 300 dpi for bitmap illustrations. Illustrations should be laid out inline with the text (right-click on the object – Format Object – Layout – Inline with text). Illustrations can be single or double column, adhering to the text block margins.
Each paper can contain colored photos. Please take into account that the overall size of the manuscript should not exceed 20 MBytes. It is recommended to use a resolution of minimum 200 dots per inch and maximum 300 dots per inch for photos. Photos should have the layout in line with the text (right click on the object – Format object – Layout – in line with the text).
All figures, photos, and tables must be sequentially numbered (e.g., Figure 1, Table 1) and referenced in the text (e.g., Fig. 1, Table 1). Captions should be as clear as possible to allow understanding of the illustration without reference to the text.
Units and symbols
The use of SI units is required.
Symbols used in equations should be explained in the List of Symbols.
Please ensure that every reference cited in the text is also reported in the reference list (and vice versa). Indicate refer-ences by number(s) in square brackets. The references must be reported in the bibliography in the order in which they appear in the text.
An example for a book [1], a journal paper [2], and a con-ference paper [3] are reported in the last section.
To comply with the conference proceedings indexing re-quirements, please cite at least 25 references and limit the self-citation to 15% of the total number.
The reference list is not included in the page count.
[1] G. K. Batchelor. An intoduction to fluid dynamics. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 1967.
[2] N. Surname and N. Surname. “Title of the article”. In: Journal Name 2.4 (2019), p. 15. DOI: 10.3390/ijtppxxxxxxx.
[3] N. Surname, N. Surname and N. Surname. “Title of the article”. In: Proceedings of the 13th European Tur-bomachinery Conference. Losanne, Switzerland, 2019.
To meet the indexing requirements of the conference proceedings, cite at least 25 references and limit self-citation to 15% of the total number.
Referenced should be cited in the text by giving the last name of the author(s) and the year of publication. Use either forms: “Recent work (Smith and Jones, 1985)…” or “Recently Smith and Jones (1985)…” With three or more names, use the form “Smith et al. (1985)” in the text. When two or more references would have the same text identification, distinguish them by appending “a,” “b,” etc., to the year of publication.
Journal references should include: each author’s name and initials, year of publication between brackets, the title of the article (where applicable-preferably italic), abbreviated journal title, volume number and page numbers.
References to books should include: each author’s name and initials, year of publication in brackets, name of book and editor, place of publication.
References to multi-author works should include: each author’s name and initials, year of publication in brackets, the title of the chapter (where applicable- preferably italic); “In”: followed by the name of the book, initials and surname(s) of the editor(s) in brackets, volume and page number and place of publication.
References should appear as in the Paper Template.
For Latex use Harvard Style see this example
Any acknowledgment should be added at the very end of the paper, in a dedicated section.
Authors are fully responsible for their manuscripts. They must undertake the required steps to obtain the permission for using any material that might be protected by copyright.