Best Paper: ETC2015-042 – S.C. Stapelfeldt, A.B. Parry and M. Vahdatia
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ETC16 24-28 March 2025The Association is focused to organise high quality level conferences and other events on Turbomachinery related matters; support the dissemination, exchange and publication of top quality research in the field of Turbomachinery; support young researcher in the development of the advanced technology in the field and more in general all initiatives aimed at strengthening the cooperation among similar European associations.
short news from Euroturbo Society and partners
The high quality review process adopted by the society contributes to the improvement and acceleration of the metrics of its publications. Euroturbo is one of the few European not-for-profit scientific societies organizing international conferences whose proceedings have been included by Clarivate Analytics in the CPCI and by Elsevier in Scopus.
The Mission of Euroturbo Dissemination is fulfilled by two main tools: the open access repository of all the past ETC conference including Invited Lecturers and the new Scopus indexed International Journal of Turbomachinery Propulsion and Power
Proceedings Repository
Since 1985 the Euroturbo Society has organized very successful international conferences with hundreds of valuable technical papers. Our repository, collecting most of those papers, is intended to offer a tangible scientific dissemination opportunity to the international propulsion and power generation community.
The Euroturbo Scientific Journal
The International Journal of Turbomachinery Propulsion and Power (IJTPP) is an open-access technical journal created in 2016, fully owned by the European Turbomachinery Society (Euroturbo), and published online by the Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI). The journal is dedicated to science and technology developments of turbomachinery, and it aims at providing high quality contents. It has been included by Elsevier in Scopus since 2016, and by Clarivate in the Emerging Source Citation Index (ESCI) of Web of Science in 2021.
The 2024 Journal Impact Factor is 1.3.
Prof. Marcello Manna
Editorial Board
open updated list
Journal Browser on MDPI
Vol. 1 (2016)
Vol. 2 (2017)
Vol. 3 (2018)
Vol. 4 (2019)
Vol. 5 (2020)
Vol. 6 (2021)
Vol. 7 (2022)
Vol. 8 (2023)