Art. 3.1
The structures of the Association are :
- The General Assembly of all the members hereafter called “The Committee”,
- The Executive Board
- The Chairman of the Committee
- The Treasurer
- The General Secretary
- The Review Chairman
Art. 3.2.
The Committee is the governing body of the association and it is composed by all Members of the Association, each of them expressing a single vote. The Committee is fully competent to carry out the Aims of the Association. Except under extraordinary circumstances, as stated in the by-laws, resolutions will be adopted by simple majority of the votes cast. A resolution adopted by the Committee will be valid if and only if at least one third of the members are present or represented, except for what it is stated in article 6.3 of the by-laws. No resolution can be adopted on an item which was not previously included in the agenda. Resolutions of the Committee shall be recorded in a register signed by the Chairman of the Committee and kept at the permanent secretariat of the Association. All members of the Association shall be notified of the results.
The following represents the powers of the Committee:
- Modification of the by-laws (statutes);
- Nomination of the Chairman of the Committee, of the Treasurer, of the general Secretary and of the Review Chairman;
- Nomination and revocation of the members of the Executive Board;
- Approval of the final balance sheet;
- Definition of the Association strategy;
- Decisions on the organization of conferences, meetings, seminars, summer schools, and any other appropriate event; responsibility for the scientific and technical general aspects of these events. Any member of the Committee prevented from taking part in a meeting, may be represented by another duly mandated member to whom the right to vote can be delegated. Such delegation may be conferred by means of e-mail, provided that it is ensured the identity of the sender of the message. A single member of the Committee cannot represent more than five members.
The Committee may entrust the practical organization of conferences, meetings, seminars, summer schools, and any other dissemination events to a member of the Association (Local Organizer Chairman) with the help of external organizations, as well, at their own risks and benefits.
Art. 3.3
The Executive Board, hereafter called “Board” is composed by the Chairman, the Treasurer, the General Secretary, the Review Chairman, and two other members, all elected by the Committee, and the immediate past Chairman.
- The Board can invite Committee members to support and facilitate the working activities, without any voting right;
- The Board executes the decisions of the Committee and undertakes the necessary working duties in the time span between two Committee meetings;
- The Board is in charge of all the ordinary matters and technical problems related to the events promoted by the Committee.
- All members of the Board have a 4 years term.
- The members of the Executive Boards will constitute the officers of the Association.
- The resolution of the Board are adopted by the majority of its members. No resolution can be adopted on an item which was not included in the agenda. Resolutions of the Board shall be recorded in a register signed by the Chairman and kept at the permanent secretariat of the Association.
Art. 3.4
The Committee Chairman, hereafter called “Chairman” is the legal representative of the Association, chairs the Committee and the Board, proposes the Agenda of the meetings and takes care of the actions approved by the Committee/Board. All the meetings and their Agenda (Committee and Board) are notified to the participants by e_mail, at least one week in advance.
Art. 3.5
The Treasurer is responsible for the financial performance of the Association and reports to the Chairman.
Art. 3.6
The General Secretary hereafter called “Secretary” has the responsibility of the management of all the secretarial activity, such as, but not exclusively, the Association Web set up and upgrading, the management of papers and the tools needed for all the dissemination activity and Conference actions.
Art. 3.7
The Review Chairman, takes care of all the scientific review process and is responsible for the scientific quality of all the events organised by the Association.