An international non-profit scientific organization named “European Turbomachinery Society” with acronym EUROTURBO (hereafter referred to as “the Association”) is established. The Association is governed by the provisions of the Italian Civil Code and Italian specific laws for non-profit associations.

The legal seat of the Association is at the “Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale ” of the Engineering School of the University of Florence, via S. Marta n. 3, 50139, Florence, Italy, and could be changed by a decision of the Committee.

Art 2.1
The Association will pursue the following non-profit objectives of international and specifically European character (hereafter referred to as the “Aims”):

  • organise high quality level conferences and other events on Turbomachinery related matters;
  • cooperate with all potential partners to improve the competitiveness of the research and the industrial development in the field of Turbomachinery ;
  • provide and facilitate the European and worldwide dissemination, of the information and technology knowledge produced in the frame of its activities;
  • participate in European project focused on the improvement of Turbomachinery knowledge, on the support to young researchers and engineers, and more in general to all initiatives aimed at strengthening the cooperation among similar European associations;
  • offer its skills and expertise to all European and National Agencies involved in the preparation and development of projects in the field;
  • support the European education and training in the field of Turbomachinery;
  • promote, coordinate and focus joint efforts between European Turbomachinery Industries, Universities, Research Organizations and Supply Chain Companies which are active in the field of Turbomachinery Research and Development in order to encourage closer and more productive collaboration.

Art 2.2.
The activities that the Association will pursue in order to achieve its Aims are the following:

  • organisation of International Conferences,
  • support the dissemination, exchange and publication of top quality research in the field,
  • support young researcher in the development of the advanced technology in the field, and all the other activities needed to reach the goals of the Association;
  • organization of summer schools, short seminar, and other dissemination activities in conjunction with other European Institutions active in the field;
  • offer international workshops, symposia, conferences or seminars facilitating the exchange of information and creating opportunities to network with experts. Links and/or joint events will be organized with conferences or exhibitions set up by other associations;
  • provide and maintain a data-base of high quality level reviewers from both academia and industry for its scientific needs.

Art. 2.3.
The Association shall act in an economically disinterested way and will use its proper funds only to fulfil its Aims stated in the by-laws. The members do not receive any remuneration from the Association. Any budget surplus. Fund, reserves or capital, will not be allotted, neither directly or indirectly, exception made if such destination or allotment is compulsory by law. Therefore such profits or budget surplus  will be included in the next budget and be used by the Association to pursue its goals. The officers must conduct business such that the liabilities do not exceed the total assets of the Association.

Art. 2.4.
English shall be the working language of the Association for all internal correspondence and administrative documents, except for relations with the Italian Administration where Italian shall be used.

Art. 2.5.
Temporary participations to the Association are not allowed.

Art. 3.1
The structures of the Association are :

  • The General Assembly of all the members hereafter called “The Committee”,
  • The Executive Board
  • The Chairman of the Committee
  • The Treasurer
  • The General Secretary
  • The Review Chairman

Art. 3.2.
The Committee is the governing body of the association and it is composed by all Members of the Association, each of them expressing a single vote. The Committee is fully competent to carry out the Aims of the Association. Except under extraordinary circumstances, as stated in the by-laws, resolutions will be adopted by simple majority of the votes cast. A resolution adopted by the Committee will be valid if and only if at least one third of the members are present or represented, except for what it is stated in article 6.3 of the by-laws. No resolution can be adopted on an item which was not previously included in the agenda. Resolutions of the Committee shall be recorded in a register signed by the Chairman of the Committee and kept at the permanent secretariat of the Association. All members of the Association shall be notified of the results.

The following represents the powers of the Committee:

  • Modification of the by-laws (statutes);
  • Nomination of the Chairman of the Committee, of the Treasurer, of the general Secretary and of the Review Chairman;
  • Nomination and revocation of the members of the Executive Board;
  • Approval of the final balance sheet;
  • Definition of the Association strategy;
  • Decisions on the organization of conferences, meetings, seminars, summer schools, and any other appropriate event; responsibility for the scientific and technical general aspects of these events. Any member of the Committee prevented from taking part in a meeting, may be represented by another duly mandated member to whom the right to vote can be delegated. Such delegation may be conferred by means of e-mail, provided that it is ensured the identity of the sender of the message. A single member of the Committee cannot represent more than five members.

The Committee may entrust the practical organization of conferences, meetings, seminars, summer schools, and any other dissemination events to a member of the Association (Local Organizer Chairman) with the help of external organizations, as well, at their own risks and benefits.

Art. 3.3
The Executive Board, hereafter called “Board” is composed by the Chairman, the Treasurer, the General Secretary, the Review Chairman, and two other members, all  elected by the Committee, and the immediate past Chairman.

  • The Board can invite Committee members to support and facilitate the working activities, without any voting right;
  • The Board executes the decisions of the Committee and undertakes the necessary working duties in the time span between two Committee meetings;
  • The Board is in charge of all the ordinary matters and technical problems related to the events promoted by the Committee.
  • All members of the Board have a 4 years term.
  • The members of the Executive Boards will constitute the officers of the Association.
  • The resolution of the Board are adopted by the majority of its members. No resolution can be adopted on an item which was not included in the agenda. Resolutions of the Board shall be recorded in a register signed by the Chairman and kept at the permanent secretariat of the Association.

Art. 3.4
The Committee Chairman, hereafter called “Chairman” is the legal representative of the Association, chairs the Committee and the Board, proposes the Agenda of the meetings and takes care of the actions approved by the Committee/Board. All the meetings and their Agenda (Committee and Board) are notified to the participants by e_mail, at least one week in advance.

Art. 3.5
The Treasurer is responsible for the financial performance of the Association and reports to the Chairman.

Art. 3.6
The General Secretary hereafter called “Secretary” has the responsibility of the management of all the secretarial activity, such as, but not exclusively, the Association Web set up and upgrading, the management of papers and the tools needed for all the dissemination activity and Conference actions.

Art. 3.7
The Review Chairman, takes care of all the scientific review process and is responsible for the scientific quality of all the events organised by the Association.

Art. 4.1
Additional members  to the members at the time of the foundation of the Association may be elected according to the following rules:

  • On personal request and following approval by the Committee issued on the basis of a Curriculum Vitae (CV) review.
  • By invitation (proposed by a member) and subsequent approval by the Committee issued on the basis of CV review.

Art. 4.2
The request for membership must be addressed to the Chairman of the Association. The admission becomes effective after approval by the Committee.

Art. 4.3
Admission is approved by the Committee at majority of the votes cast, on the basis of the CV review. The Chairman will inform members of the request and will notify the candidate of the Admission/Exclusion.

Art. 4.4
Members of the Association may loose their membership through a direct intervention of the Executive Board on the following grounds:

  • actions that contravene the Aims or the by-laws of the Association.
  • absence from Committee meetings for three consecutive years.

Art. 4.5
The members of the Association can resign by sending a written notification to the Chairman.

In case of resignation of a member of the Board, the Board will decide on a transition period of minimum two months in order to nominate a temporary substitute and resignation will become effective at a time to be agreed by the Board.

Art. 5.1
The financial year begins on January 1st and ends on Dicember 31st.

Art. 5.2
The Board each year has to present the annual accounts of the financial year and the budget for the next financial year to the Committee for approval.

The financial means of the Association are formed by :

Contributions from the organizers of any event entrusted by the Committee to such organizations. These contributions are fixed in advance of each event by agreement between the Committee and the Organizers.

  • Subsidies, donations or bequests of all kinds, subject to observance of the law.
  • Payments, if any, as result of services rendered to third parties.
  • Other appropriate sources compatible with the non-profit making status of the Association.

Memberships are not conveyable, other than mortis causa and are not subject to any re-evaluation.

Art. 6.1
Without prejudice of the proper Article of the law on Non-Profit Associations, any voting member can present to the Board a proposal to amend the statutes or to dissolve the Association. Each proposal whose purpose is the amendment of the statutes or the dissolution of the Association shall be considered by the Board and communicated to the Committee, which will  decide at the first incoming meeting..

Art. 6.2
The amendments to the statutes will become effective only after the publicity conditions required by the Italian on the non-profit organization will have been complied with.

Art. 6.3
In the case of a dissolution proposal of the Association, the Board has to submit the proposal for a vote to all members of the Association. The dissolution proposal should be  approved by the majority of three quarters of the members.

Art. 6.4
Upon proposal of the Board, the Committee will decide the manner according to which the Association will be dissolvedIN case of dissolution of the Association, the Committee will decide the devolution of assets to other Associations who carry on similar purposes, or to public utility purposes, after having consulted the government review organization, provided for article 3, comma 190 law 662/1996, except other destinations are required by the law.

Art. 7.1
All acts binding on the Association, unless special powers of attorney are granted, shall be signed by the Chairman or the Treasurer who will not be obliged to prove their power of attorney to third parties.

Art. 7.2
All legal actions, whether the Association acts as plaintiff or a defendant, shall be taken, initiated or proceeded with by the Board, represented by its Chairman or General Secretary or a Board member appointed for that purpose.

Anything not foreseen by the present constitution and all the promulgation to be made in will be carried out according to the legal provisions of Italian Law on Non-Profit Associations, International Non-Profit Associations and Foundations.