The scientific policy of the Society relies on a reviewing procedure complying with the COPE Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing (publication ethics and malpractice statement; details in, established back in 1985 by the former ETC Committee, now replaced by the Euroturbo Society.
Any publication produced by the Society has undergone a very rigorous and serious review process, carried out by at least three independent reviewers from, from different Institutions (Academia, Industry, Research Centers) and Countries whenever possible. The paper Review Chairman (or Review Chair), also a member of the Executive Board, has the responsibility to select the Review Organisers (RO) who, in turn, are requested to manage the review of a limited number of papers. To this aim the ROs will identify the reviewing team with the help of a large size database which can be searched through, according to the reviewer expertise.
The reviewing database, handled by the Paper Review Chairman, can be updated by the ROs who may autonomously add new reviewers to it, if the enrolment constraints are satisfied.
Submitted manuscripts are pre-evaluated with a plagiarism detection device prior to peer review, in order to ascertain their originality.
The Paper Review Chairman monitors the behaviour of the Review Organizers, who look after the reviewers to preserve the high quality level of the entire process.
In recognition of its quality, the reviewing procedure has been granted international credit by independent international publishing bodies.
Specifically, the proceedings of the European Turbomachinery Conferences, edited by Euroturbo, are indexed in the Elsevier Scopus Citation Database (since 2005), and are also included in the Web of Science Journal of Citation Report of Thomson Reuters (since 2011).
All Euroturbo publications are registered with the following serial publication numbers (ISSN): 2313-0067 (Paper) and 2410-4833 (CD-ROM).