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Direct numerical simulations of airfoil cascades for the improvement of turbulence models through database generation
Theodore von Kármán: his life and heritage for research & innovation
Sustainable Aviation – A combustion perspective
Exploring Ways to Reduce the True Climate Impact of Aviation
Energy of Tomorrow – Solving the Energy trilemma
Towards Sustainable Aviation – Airbus perspective
Design Optimisation and Manufacturing Challenges of Micro Turbine Wheel
Investigation of temperature fields during turboprop engine cooling simplified to the 3D double annulus
Commissioning of a transonic compressor test rig for the investigation of vigv-induced asymmetric inflow conditions
Analysis of the thermo-acoustic response of an aero-engine injector using compressible LES
On the Prediction of Separation-Induced Transition by Coupling Delayed Detached-Eddy Simulation with γ-Transition Model
Thermal Endwall Effects on Spanwise Mixing in a High-Speed, Multi-Stage Axial Compressor
Experimental investigation of an efficient and lightweight designed counter-rotating shrouded fan stage
Recursive sequential combustion using a discrete sector approach
Numerical Modelling of the 3D, Unsteady Flow of an Inlet Particle Separator for Turboshaft Engines
A strategy to account for the hub blockage in the Blade-Element/Momentum Theory
Analysis of the effect of broadband acoustic excitation on a laminar separation bubble
Novel anode recirculation blower for PEM fuel cells
On Recent Developments for Efficient Turbo-Machinery Design using Algorithmic Differentiation
Scale resolving hybrid RANS-LES simulation of a model Kaplan turbine on a 400 million element mesh
Development of a large-scale open geometry for squealer tip coolant injection research
Transient resonance passage of a mistuned bladed disk with and without underplatform dampers
Combustor – Turbine Stator Interaction in Hydrogen Fuelled Micro Gas Turbine
Wind Turbine Aeroacoustics by Large-eddy Simulation – Acoustic Analogy Approach
Unstarting phenomena in the design of a supersonic inlet turbine
Influences of bio-inspired leading-edge tubercle on cloud cavitation around NACA 0015 hydrofoil
An experimental and numerical investigation on the impact of tip gap on the performance of vaned diffuser for industrial centrifugal compressors
Impact of steam erosion on aerodynamic characteristics of the tip section of a long rotor turbine blade
3D flow simulation by a hybrid two-phase solver for the assessment of liquid/gas transport in a volute-type centrifugal pump with twisted blades
Numerical and experimental investigations on the acoustic characteristics of a single-stage centrifugal pump
Turbulence measurements downstream of a combustor simulator designed for studies on the combustor-turbine interaction
Heat transfer analysis of damaged shrouded high-pressure turbine rotor blades
Vortex lattice method for fan tip-flow modeling
Adjoint Optimization of Real Gas Centrifugal Compressor
Assessment of hybrid turbulence models for the simulation of ribbed channel with heat transfer
Assessment of geometrical variability effects through a viscous through-flow model: sensitivity analysis of geometrical variabilities on performance of axial-flow compressor blades
Fan-intake aerodynamic interactions under crosswind conditions
Analysis of a Modern Fan Manufacturing Variations and its link to the Engine Performance
Pulsation Measurement on Stator Side for Turbocharger Turbine Blade Vibration Monitoring –Effects of Mistuning and Blade Passing Frequencies on Integral Mode Blade Vibration Detections
Study of interactions between closely packed films used in novel turbine blade cooling designs
Parametric experimental study on high porosity film cooling features on turbine blade geometries
Demonstration of high porosity cooling systems using novel Thermochromic Liquid Crystal approach
Development of transpiration cooling film effectiveness correlations from PSP data taken from turbine blade geometries
Effects of Periodic Incoming Wakes on the Aerodynamics of a High-Speed Low-Pressure Turbine Cascade
Impact of Unsteady Wakes on the Secondary Flows in a High-Speed Low-Pressure Turbine Cascade
Influence of the Reynolds number on the free-windmilling operation of a small dimensions fan.
Assessment of source term and turbulence model combinations for film cooling in turbines
Experimental and numerical investigation of three, constant and variable pitch, inducers.
Aerodynamic and aeroelastic computations of a last stage steam turbine using harmonic balance methods
Optimization of intense diffusive turbine nozzle guide vanes suitable for transonic outlet Rotating Detonation Combustors
Fan stage design and performance optimization for low specific thrust turbofans
An Investigation of Transpiration Cooling using Gyroids
Tandem-blade centrifugal compressor design and optimization by means of 3D inverse design.
On the Effect of Curvature and Compressibility in Boundary Layers over Fan Blades and Engine Intakes
Performance evaluation in a fully purged high-pressure turbine stage using seed gas concentration measurements
Body-Force Modelling of Multiple Distributed Propulsors with Boundary Layer Ingestion
Commissioning of a Newly Designed Experimental Facility for Hot Gas Ingestion Investigation
Adaption of the single-channel approach to use the CFD code MULTALL as an effective tool in the preliminary design of radial inflow turbines with vaneless spiral casing
Analysis of rotor/stator interactions in a high-speed low-pressure turbine cascade using Large-Eddy Simulations.
PIV feasibility for aerodynamics measurements of a rainbow rotor in a short-duration turbine rig
Unsteady cavitation analysis of the centrifugal pump based on entropy production and pressure fluctuation
Diabatic flows on electrically-driven radial micro-turbocompressors
Experimental Investigation on the effect of air in pumping non-settling fluids
Machine-Learn Turbulence Closures for Axial Compressor Cascade With Corner Separation
Effect of thickness on the unsteady response of turbine submitted to pulsed flow conditions.
Loss Characterisation of a Variable Inlet Guide Vane Configuration with Split Blades and Centrepiece
Controlled Inflow Conditions for Radial Fans – An Aeroacoustic Radial Fan Test Rig
Low Reynolds Number Effect on Highly Loaded Compressor Stator Cascade
Steady and Unsteady Numerical Characterisation of the Secondary Flow Structures of a Highly-Loaded Low-Pressure Compressor Stage
Exploring characteristics of time-resolved signals in the operation of wastewater pumps
Influence of Zonal Surface Roughness on the Pump Characteristics of a Turbopump
Prediction of the static force characteristic of annular gaps using neural networks
Measurements of fan efficiency at low pressure ratio
Application of a higher-order vortex identification method for quantifying the tip leakage vortex wandering in a low-speed axial fan case study
Investigation on the effects of blade leading-edge protuberances on the aerodynamic performance of an axial transonic compressor
The Current Gap Between Design Optimization and Experiments for Transonic Compressor Blades
How to measure the functionality of sewage pumps
Determination of a Numerical Surge Limit by Means of an Enhanced Greitzer Compressor Model
Assessment of an Hybrid RANS/LES Approach for the Prediction of Aerodynamic Losses on a Linear Cascade of Turbine Blades with Free-Stream Turbulence
Application of a Similarity Criteria approach for centrifugal compressor design in high temperature heat pumps with overheated water vapor.
Efficiency Approximation of Centrifugal Compressors in the Cordier Diagram
Investigation of the influence of pulsating boundary conditions generated by an internal combustion engine on compressor operating near surge
Sensitivity of Vertical Axis Wind Turbines to Rotor Shape and Blade Design: a Computational Study
The Effect of Reynolds Number on the Flow Around the T106C Very High Lift Low PressureTurbine Linear Cascade
Unsteady CFD analysis and shape optimization of a hydraulic turbine
Friction behavior of labyrinth seals for fast and reliable design tools based on integro-differential lubrication models
Effect of tip gap size on the performance of an axial compressor stage with and without active flow control.
Characterization of experimentally observed anomalous behavior of an intentionally mistuned LPT
Numerical analysis of the distance effect between inducer and centrifugal impeller in independent rotational turbopump in co-rotating and counter-rotating mode
Genetic Algorithm Based Optimisation of a Double-Wall Effusion Cooling System for a High-Pressure Turbine Nozzle Guide Vane
Gradient-based optimization of a 3D Turbine Vane Frame
Transient compressible simulation of a high-speed radial compressor using the CATHARE system code
Investigation of rotor-stator interactions and laminar-turbulent transition using unsteady simulations and the Menter-Langtry model
Effect of leading edge erosion on the performance of transonic compressor blades
High Fidelity Compressible and Incompressible Flow Simulations of a Turbo-machinery Geometrical Configuration
Characterization of unsteady leakage flow in a rotating axial fan
Numerical investigation of a transonic centrifugal compressor at high rotational speed
Surrogate-Based Noise Prediction in Actuator Line Method for HAWTs
A Low-noise airfoil for low Reynolds applications: a multi-fidelity optimization
Loss Analysis Of Centrifugal Compressor Volutes Based On A Second-Law Analysis Method
Influence of turbulence models in the prediction of cavitation occurrence
Design of morphing Wells turbine blades using Computational FSI
An experimental database for the analysis of bursting of a laminar separation bubble
Robust Numerical Operating-Map Prediction through Systematic Selection of Turbulence Models
Unsupervised Learning for High-Fidelity Compression of Large Experimental Dataset: an Application to HPT Blade Tip Contouring
Adjoint-Based Design Optimization of a Volute for Radial Compressor
A large-scale high pressure and temperature compressed air feed system for two gas turbine test facilities to enable heat transfer studies
Exergetic analysis of the nasa rotor 37 compressor test case
Analysis of the sealing flow rate on loss production mechanisms in LPT stage
Unsteady flow phenomena in a highly bend engine intake with passive and active flow control
Visualization of Unsteady Flow in a Multistage Helico-Axial Pump
A Contribution to the Theory of Slip Factor for Radial Flow Fans
New supersonic nozzle test-rig used to generate condensing flow test data according to Barschdorff
Design considerations for high-temperature heat pump centrifugal compressors
Non-ideal compressible-fluid dynamics simulations in orc turbines with a discontinuous galerkin solver
Deep neural networks for predicting and analyzing the performance of air-jets for active flow control in an axial compressor
Systematic comparison of sensor signals for pump operating points estimation using convolutional neural network
Potential of static pressure recovery of low pressure axial fans
RANS prediction of the aerodynamic losses in a linear turbine cascade with an upstream cavity and a purge flow
Investigation of forced shock-induced separation in transonic channel
Partial Blockage Effects on Turbine Internal Swirl Cooling due to Particle Deposition
Three-dimensional flow downstream of a wells turbine rotor
Enhanced Flutter Test Rig for a Transonic Flow in a Linear Turbine Blade Cascade and Numerical Data Validation
Inter-Compressor Annular S-duct Simulations using the Lattice Boltzmann Method
Acoustic boundary conditions for can-annular combustors
Design of Experiment on the influence of channel design onto regenerative compressor performance
Comparison of Steam Turbine Control Valve Geometries and their Dynamic Behaviour at Part Load
Von Karman vortex induced vibration in a Francis turbine: a simplified numerical model for estimating the shedding frequency
System influence on the surge behaviour of a centrifugal compressor
Genetic algorithm on the design optimization of a micro gas turbine centrifugal compressor impeller
Design of a 130 MW axial turbine operating with a supercritical carbon dioxide mixture for the SCARABEUS project
A generic multistage compressor design for multiphase code and model benchmark
Rotor cascade assessment at off-design condition: an aerodynamic investigation on platform cooling
Impact of Different Flight Conditions on the Flow in a Highly Curved Intake Duct
Aerodynamic and acoustic studies on a radial fan family developed for increased specific flow rate of dust-laden gases
Parametric Study on the Cycle of an electric Hybrid Adaptive Cycle Engine
Preliminary case studies to acoustics-based condition monitoring of industrial fans
Simulation of Particle dynamics through a Kaplan Turbine
Numerical investigation of rotating instabilities development leading to stall in a wide tip gap centrifugal compressor
Estimation of Pressure Loss Derivatives for Turbine Center Frames via L1-regularized Regression Models
Profile Loss Prediction for Organic Rankine Cycle Turbines: An Experimental Case Study
Forced response freeform optimization of a radial turbine using the adjoint method
Experimentally validated performance improvements of a cathode air supply for PEM fuel cells
Method for Coupled Partitioned Fluid-Structure Interaction in Heat Transfer for Transient and Steady State Analysis of Aero Engines Applications
Reduction of Mechanical Stresses in Centrifugal Compressor Impellers for Hydrogen Applications
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of a Turbine Vane Frame with Splitters at Different Operating Points
Experimental validation of a numerical coupling environment between FEM and CFD
Profile loss and turbulence modelling in radial outflow turbine cascades
Turbine integration with rotating detonation combustors
Additive Manufacturing in a range of 50 cm to 50 µm: Advantages for heat transport and hot gas applications through functionally structured metals and a digital workflow
Multidisciplinary Optimization of Turbomachines
Pioneering the Power that Matters: A Sustainable Future for Aviation
Data Driven Modal Decomposition of the Wake Behind an NREL 5-MW Wind Turbine
A novel two-way coupling method for the study of the aeroelasticity of wind turbines in a Large Eddy Simulation framework
3-D blade resolved CFD performance analysis of a Ducted Wind Turbine
Experimental and numerical investigation on a troposkien vertical axis wind turbine
On the Wake Characteristics of the NREL Phase VI Wind Turbine under Turbulent Inflow Conditions
Aeroelastic investigation of an open 3D steam turbine test case and blade shape optimization with improved flutter behavior
Aeroelastic Stability of Combined Plunge-Pitch Mode Shapes in a Linear Compressor Cascade
Aerodynamic and aeroelastic experimental investigation on the propagation of inlet temperature distortions in a low pressure turbine stage
Two dimensional investigation of the fundamentals of OGV buffeting
Analysis of a linear model for non-synchronous vibration near stall
Non-Synchronous Forced Response due to trapped acoustic modes in an axial multi-stage compressor
Machine Learning based Sensitivity Analysis of Aeroelastic Stability Parameters in a Compressor Cascade
Experimental validation of an analytical condensation model for the improvement of steam turbine design regarding flexibility requirements
Analysis of the unsteady flow field in a steam turbine control valve using spectral proper orthogonal decomposition
Development and research of efficiency of a new low-pressure turbine with one and a half exhaust based on forked two-tier blades
Numerical investigation of a radial turbine with variable nozzle geometry for fuel cell systems in automotive applications
Experimental energy and exergy analysis of an automotive turbocharger using a novel power based approach
Effects of design conditions and flow layout on the design of ultra-low aspect ratio radial outflow turbines
Numerical investigation of a centrifugal compressor with various diffuser geometries for fuel cell applications
CFD Analysis and Optimisation of Triple Volute Exit Diffuser: Vaned Vs Vaneless and Vane Design
Experimental investigation of Centrifugal Flow in Rotor—Stator Cavities at High Reynolds Numbers > 10⁸
Influence of Fillet Radii on the Flow and Strength Behavior of a Shrouded Centrifugal Compressor Impeller
Loss Characterisation of a Conventional Variable Inlet Guide Vane
Analysis of slip factors in CFD calculations – Assessment of literature models
Experimental and numerical analysis of impeller recirculation: inlet guide vanes stagger angle effects and rotating disturbances interaction
The challenge of time-resolved flow investigation of a one-stage centrifugal compressor with a non-symmetric volute
Continuous Adjoint Shape Optimization of Internally Cooled Turbine Blade
Simulations using dimensionless key figures for the design and optimization of compact, hybrid MGT-SOFC systems of the “Turbo Fuel Cell” type for high efficiency
Engine Design Requirements for Supersonic Business Jets
Influence of the reaction on the performance of the Crossflow turbine
Implementation and validation of a consistent averaging method for the mixing plane interface in OpenFOAM
Experimental study on flow behavior of unshrouded impeller centrifugal pumps under inlet air entrainment condition
Assessment of multi-phase CFD methods for gas-laden liquid flows in centrifugal pumps with particular emphasis on the change of flow morphology
Performance analysis on a tesla bladed disc pump
Infrared temperature measurements on high pressure turbine blades in the Oxford Turbine Research Facility: calibration and image processing techniques
Experiments of Transpiration Cooling Inspired Panel Cooling on a Turbine Blade Yeilding Film Effectiveness Levels Over 95%
A Low Order Flow Network Model for Double-Wall Effusion Cooling Systems
Endwall Film Cooling Effectiveness for Different Purge Slot Configurations in a Contoured Endwall Nozzle Guide Vane Cascade
Analysis of the cooling performance of a cylindrical hole designed for the suction side of the LS89 vane under transitional conditions
Numerical study of flow and heat transfer in a rectangular channel with pin fin arrays and back ribs
Experimental investigation of sequential narrow impingement channels for turbine cooling
Flow in pillow plate channels for high-speed turbomachinery heat exchangers
Influence of Spanwise and Streamwise Film Hole Spacing on Adiabatic Film Effectiveness for Effusion-cooled Gas Turbine Blades
Experimental measurement and characterisation of the effect of offtake flow on the time constants of a compressor casing
Experimental investigation of the influence of density ratio and vane exit mach number on platform cooling
Experimental study of the leakage flow in an axial fan at variable loading
UHBR Open-test-case fan ECL5/Catana, Part 1: Geometry and aerodynamic performance
UHBR Open-test-case fan ECL5/Catana, Part 2: Mechanical and aeroelastic stability analysis
Semi-empirical design guidelines for controlling the vibration and noise of low-speed axial fans due to profile vortex shedding
The high-speed cascade wind tunnel at the Bundeswehr University Munich after a major revision and upgrade
Identification of dynamic behavior of steam turbine blades using rotor vibration measurement
Design of Chalmers new low-pressure compressor test facility for low-speed testing of cryo-engine applications
A Machine Learning Approach to Improve Turbulence Modelling From DNS Data Using Neural Networks
Computation of dissipation rates in turbo pumps using different simulation methods
Convergence of Spatially Resolved Particle Deposition
The rebound of non-spherical particles in gas-turbine components
Modelling the condensation phenomena within the radial turbine of a fuel cell turbocharger
Field inversion and machine learning strategies for improving RANS modelling in turbomachinery
An improved particle-blade interaction model to investigate turbomachinery erosion numerically
A comparative analysis of particle – mixing plane interaction in multistage turbomachinery simulations
Numerical studies of the air humidity and pollution importance in the flow through the gas turbine’s rotor compressor
Further development of an algebraic intermittency model for separation-induced transition under elevated free-stream turbulence
Effect of Different Sub-Grid Scales Models and Inflow Turbulence Conditions on the Boundary Layer Transition in a Transonic Linear Turbine Cascade
Study of particle dynamics and erosion in a centrifugal fan
Towards Explainable Machine-Learning-Assisted Turbulence Modeling for Transonic Flows
Optimization of the last stage of gas-steam turbine using a hybrid method
Design of supersonic axial turbine for waste heat recovery from heavy industrial flue gases through an ORC System
Accuracy of Quasi-direct Numerical Simulation for Predicting LPT Losses
Influence of tip shroud cavities on low-pressure turbine main flow at design and off-design conditions
Influence of the Rotor-driven Stator Flow Perturbation on the Unsteady Aerodynamics of a HP Turbine Stage
An Euler-Based Throughflow Approach for an Axial Turbine at Supersonic Flow Regimes
Dimensionless Numbers Relationships for Outer Air Seal of Low Pressure Turbine
Design Parameters Influence on Losses and Downstream Flow Field Uniformity in Supersonic ORC Radial-Inflow Turbine Stators
Numerical investigation of 3-D flow phenomena in interblade channel with tie-boss
Reynolds sensitivity of the wake passing effect on a LPT cascade using spectral/hp element methods
Unsteady simulation of a transonic turbine stage with focus on turbulence prediction
Flow coefficient and reduced frequency effects on wake-boundary layer interaction in highly-accelerated lpt cascade
Transport of swirling entropy waves through an axial turbine stator
Study of gas turbine exhaust diffuser flow and performance characteristics at off-design conditions
Experimental flow analysis in a modern turbine rear structure with 3D polygonal shroud under realistic flow conditions
Profile Loss of Additive Manufactured Blades for Organic Rankine Cycle Turbines
Prediction of Transient Pressure Fluctuations within a Low Pressure Turbine Cascade using a Lanczos-filtered Harmonic Balance Method
Flow and ingestion in a turbine disc cavity under rotationally-dominated conditions
Introduction of a Streamline Curvature Design Methodology for the Vortex Design of Shape Adaptive Compressor Blading
Effect of pressurization on tip leakage losses in micro-scale centrifugal compressors
The effect of the isentropic exponent on the performance map of supercritical compressors with carbon dioxide as an example
Experimental aerodynamic and aeroelastic investigation of a transonic compressor rotor with reduced blade count
Experimental Aerodynamic and Aeroelastic Investigation of a highly-loaded 1.5-stage Transonic Compressor with Tandem Stator
Experimental and numerical analysis of a compressor stage under flow distortion
Surge Margin Improvement by Continuous and Pulsed Tip injection
Data-driven analysis of high fidelity simulation of multi-stage compressor
Retrofittable Solutions Capability for a Gas Turbine Compressor
Numerical Investigation of Stator Shroud Leakage Effects in a 1.5-Stage Low-Speed Axial Compressor
Experimental study of flow through a transonic linear cascade
Pulsed flow turbine design recommendations
Zonal Detached-Eddy Simulation of tip-leakage flow sensitivity for a compressor rotor
High speed single cavity rig with axial throughflowof cooling air: heat transfer and fluid phenomena
Numerical investigation of the tip leakage vortex of an isolated plate/airfoil T-junction with gap
Blade design and tip clearance flow analysis for a compact high-pressure compressor rear stage
Spectral Proper Orthogonal Decomposition of Compressor Tip Leakage Flow
Numerical investigation of non-axisymmetric end wall contouring effects in a low-speed compressor tandem stator
Validation of a numerical model to support the design of additively manufactured aerostatic dry gas seals carried out on a test bench through use of seals with defined permeabilities
Turbine Broadband Noise Predictions using Linearised Frequency Domain Navier-Stokes Solvers
Theoretical acoustic benefit of high bypass ratio and variable-area nozzle in turbofan engines
Modelling Turbine Acoustic Impedance
A parametric study on the les numerical setup to investigate fan/ogv broadband noise
Refinement of a semi-empirical method for the estimation of profile vortex shedding frequency from low-speed axial fan blade sections
The pathway forward for gas and steam turbines in a world of increasing renewable source
Flutter in Turbomachine, Theoritical and Numerical Aerodynamic Analysis of Instabilities
Role and Challenges of CFD in the Design of Gas Turbines
Some perspectives in low pressure compressors design brought by emerging CFD technologies
Advances in radial fluid machinery
Body force modeling of the aerodynamics of a low-speed fan under distorted inflow
A novel modular test rig for experimental investigation of mixing and separation processes in turbomachines
Investigation of the ventilation flow in a gas turbine package enclosure
A new 1D method for assessing volute induced circumferential pressure distortion at the exit of a centrifugal impeller
Preliminary assessment of a pump used as turbine in a water distribution network for the recovery of throttling energy
CFD analysis of the performance of a novel impeller for a double suction centrifugal pump working as a turbine
Optimization of a carbon-fiber composite blade of a counter-rotating fan for aircraft engines
Investigation of aerodynamic effects in stator components of multistage centrifugal compressors
Technology development of Fast-Response Aerodynamic Pressure Probes
Influence of the numerical strategy on wall-resolved LES of a compressor cascade
Implementation of non-reflecting boundary conditions in a finite volume unstructured solver for the study of turbine cascades
Transient flow in infinitely thin airfoil cascade
Design of non-axisymmetric endwall of a stator to improve the efficiency of a high pressure turbine: a pseudo objective function
Experimental research of noise reduction possibilities of an axial fan with an additional contra-rotor
Erosion behavior on a large-sized centrifugal fan
Development of a one-dimensional model for the prediction of leakage flows in regenerative pumps
Modes identification and interactions in a rotor/stator academic cavity
The effects of free-stream turbulence intensity on the aerodynamic performance of compressor cascade
Part load resonance risk assessment of francis hydropower units
Multiscale simulation of the hydroabrasive erosion of a pelton bucket: bridging scales to improve accuracy
Heat transfer enhancement of impingement cooling by adopting circular-ribs or vortex generators in the wall jet region of a round impingement jet
Stall and recovery process of a transonic fan with inlet distortion
Prediction of aerodynamically induced fan blade vibration due to boundary layer ingestion
Leakage flow noise and related flow pattern in a low-speed axial fan with rotating shroud
Dynamics of a spray formed by laminar liquid jet in modulated crossflow
Modelling of a radial pump fast startup with the CATHARE-3 code and analyse of the loop response
Compressor mild surge simulation with variable nozzle models: influence of throttle area on surge behavior and aeroelastic stability at reverse flow conditions
Characterization of periodic incoming wakes in a low-pressure turbine cascade test section by means of a fast-response single sensor virtual three-hole probe
Turbine cascades of last stage blades for wide range of operating conditions
A novel grazing flow rig for acoustic liner investigations
Analysis of flow losses and their contribution to the total flow loss in an axial flow pump using the large eddy simulation method
Reducing secondary flow losses in low-pressure turbines: the “SNAKED” blade
Coupled pressure based CFD solver for turbomachinery flows: overview of applications
Instantaneous flow field measurements in the interstage section between a fan and the outlet guiding vanes at different axial positions
Vaneless diffuser for low flow rate centrifugal compressor stage
Experimental and numerical investigation of CO2 dry-ice based aircraft compressor cleaning
Focusing schlieren visualization of transonic turbine tip-leakage flows
Radial Turbine Global Design for Liquid Rocket Engine Application
Sampling strategies for metamodel enrichment and automotive fan optimization
Numerical investigation of trailing edge flow in centrifugal pump impellers
Flat plate and turbine vane film-cooling performance with laid-back fan-shaped holes
Influence of the inlet boundary conditions on numerical flow simulations of a model kaplan turbine
A semi-empirical model for predicting the frequency of profile vortex shedding relevant to low-speed axial fan blade sections
Effect of rotation and holes arrangement in cold bridge type impingement cooling systems
A method for matching compressor stage characterstics to a given load profile by operating point weighting
Analysis of tip-gap size on tip-leakage flow in an axial fan at design and off-design operating conditions
Impact of large tip clearance ratios on the performance of a centrifugal compressor
Reliable seals for turbomachines: numerical analysis of the effects of compressible fluid flow through porous materials and narrow gaps
External heat transfer on nozzle guide vanes under highly swirled combustor outlet flow
Application of wavelet analysis on early stall warning in the axial compressor
Quasi 3D nacelle design to simulate crosswind flows: merits and challenges
RANS closure by Artificial Neural Networks
Gradient-free and gradient-based optimization of a radial turbine
Some guidelines for the experimental characterization of turbocharger compressors
Experimental investigation of moment coefficients in open rotor-stator disc systems
Narrow impingement channels: recent advancements and future directions
Numerical study of wake effects on the boundary layer of a high lift turbine cascade at several strouhal numbers and flow coefficients
Infrared thermography investigation of heat transfer on outlet guide vanes in an engine exit module
The continuous adjoint approach applied to the stabilized finite-element formulation of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations
Experimental investigation of rotor tip film cooling at an axial turbine with swirling inflow conditions using pressure sensitive paint
Three-dimensional CFD simulation and experimental assessment of the performance of a H-shape VAWT at design and off-design conditions
Axial force modelling and measurement in a single stage centrifugal pump
Effect of geometry variability on transonic fan blade untwist
Efficient simulation of inlet distortion in engine fan stage using nonlinear harmonic method
Robust integration of real gas models into a pressure-based coupled solver
The LEMCOTEC 1½ Stage Film-Cooled HP Turbine: Design, Integration and Testing in the Oxford Turbine Research Facility
Numerical optimization of air breathing radial outflow turbines
Surge margin optimization of centrifugal compressors using a new objective function based on local flow parameters
Experimental investigation of the aerodynamic and thermal behaviour of the film at the leading edge of a cooled nozzle vane cascade
3D inverse problem solution used to redesign six-stage highly loaded high pressure compressor with the view of designed parameters achievement
An integrated numerical procedure for flutter and forced response assessment of turbomachinery blade-rows
Testing, modeling and simulation of fans working with organic vapors
Filtered geometry modelling for fan-intake interaction based on the immersed boundary method
Preliminary Design and performance estimation of self-rectifying turbines for application in the Channel Tunnel
Thermodynamic modeling of a closed gas turbine process working with Helium and stoichiometric combustion of Hydrogen and Oxygen
Characterization of the unsteady aerodynamics of optimized turbine blade tips through modal decomposition analysis
Effect of manufacturing tolerance in flow past a compressor blade
Neural network topology for wind turbine analysis
Impact of leakage inlet swirl angle in a rotor-stator cavity on flow pattern, radial pressure distribution and frictional torque in a wide circumferential Reynolds number range
Effects of hub endwall geometry and rotor leading edge shape on performance of supersonic axial impulse turbine. Part II: Method validation and final results.
Effect of Stall Fence on the Performance of an Axial Turbine for Wave Energy Conversion
Coupled FE-CFD analysis of transient conjugate heat transfer
Operating range extension of an open impeller centrifugal compressor stage utilising 3D diffuser end wall contouring
An experimental and numerical study of flow and heat transfer in cooling channels with pin fin-dimple and pin fin-groove arrays
Aerodynamics and strength of a two-tier stage based on a fork-shape blade
On the validity of the axial momentum theory as applied to the uniformly-loaded propeller
Simulations and experimental investigations on the acoustic characterisation of centrifugal pumps of different specific speed
Numerical investigation of the lean effects in centrifugal compressors
Comparison of the cubic equations of state and different transport properties models for ORC turbines modeling
Sound source localisation at an axial contra-rotating fan by means of PIV and rotational beamforming
Analysis of nodal diameter zero blade vibrations of a radial turbine
Evaporation modelling of water droplets in a transonic compressor cascade under fogging conditions
Experimental investigation on performance of a control stage turbine under partial admission
Numerical fatigue analysis of a prototype Francis turbine runner in low-load operation
Stabilizing effects of supercritical CO2 fluid properties on compressor operation
Steady and unsteady RANS simulations of heat transfer on a turbine vane endwall with inlet boundary layer skew
Improvement of a gas turbine exhaust hood and diffuser performance within spatial limitations
Unconventional centrifugal bladeless turbine for low power range turboexpander applications
Prediction of erosion in an axial turbine with initial position of blade
Improvement of the performance of an axial fan with counter-rotation
A new rotating test facility for the experimental characterisation of shaft seals
Metamodel-assisted multidisciplinary design optimization of a radial compressor
Turbulence intensity measurements across a NGV cooled cascade with representative Lean Burn combustor outflow
A higher fidelity approach for incorporating tip shroud geometry into aerodynamic flutter computations of rotating turbomachinery
Sensitivity analysis, design, instrumentation, and experimental validation of a novel labyrinth seal rig
Experimental investigation of transient characteristics of single-blade and two-blade pumps
Investigation of the wall pressure fluctuations, the operational deflection shapes and the airborne noise radiation of a single stage radial pump
Impact of underlying RANS turbulence models in Zonal Detached Eddy Simulation: application to a compressor rotor
Validation of RANS simulations of the flow in a short highly bent intake duct
Numerical and experimental study of the aerodynamic and aeroelastic performance of a low pressure turbine
Aerodynamical and aeroelastic investigations of a riblet design applied on the surface of turbine exit guide vanes of a low pressure turbine
Fsi modelling of an industrial centrifugal compressor stage operation at stable and unstable operating points
Aerothermal predictions of combustor/turbine interactions using advanced turbulence modeling
Adjoint-based multi-point and multi-objective optimization of a turbocharger radial turbine
Assessment of statistical eddy-viscosity turbulence models for unsteady flow at part and overload operation of centrifugal pumps
Prediction of the acoustic influence of an intake on fan flutter: a comparison of numerical methods
Heat transfer in a square ribbed channel: evaluation of turbulent heat transfer models
Numerical investigation on the design of circumferential groove casing treatments in a radial compressor
Comparison of different models for determination of erosion wear in centrifugal pumps
Design, integration and operation of a rotating combustor-turbine-interaction test rig within the scope of EC FP7 project FACTOR
Flutter analysis of a steam turbine blade with frequency and time-domain solvers
Thermodynamic analysis of the net power oxy-combustion cycle
Multi-channel casing design for radial turbine operation control
The effect of shroud design on flow structure at the tip area and stage efficiency
Uncoupled CFD-FEA methods for the thermomechanical analysis of turbochargers
Sensitivity of the aerodynamics damping coefficient prediction to the turbulence modelling conjugated with the vibration mode shape.
Numerical investigation of Two-Phase air-water flow in a centrifugal pump with closed or semi-open impeller
Combined experimental and CFD investigation of flat plate film cooling through fan shaped holes
Introduction of a novel test rig for the investigation of fluid-structure interaction effects in steam turbine control valves using an elastic model
Performance improvement of the CFM56-3 aircraft engine by electric power transfer
Anisotropic mesh adaptations for UQ of CFD problems
Assessement of numerical methods for low pressure turbine tone noise prediction
Applications of UQ and Robust Design in Turbomachinery Industry
Robust Design Optimization in Turbomacinery
Manufacturing Uncertainties on a Compressor Blade
Some challenges in turbomachinery for propulsion
Uncertainty Quantification and Robust Design in Turbomachinery
Some challenges in turbomachinery for propulsion
Progress Of Film Cooling In Industrial Gas Turbine Vanes And Blades
Aerodynamic Design Methods And Problems Of Uncooled Aeronautical Turbines – 20 Years Of Evolution And Perspectives.
Impact of vane clocking on the TEC loss in Rig
Thermodynamic analysis of the HAT-process for micro gas turbines
The effect of stiffening tabs on the performance of lobed mixers at off-design conditions
A Validation Study Using Nrel Phase VI Experiments, Part I: Low Computational Resource Scenario
Experimental acoustic characterization of automotive twin-scroll turbine
An Investigation of Groove Type Casing Treatment on Aerodynamic Performance of a Linear Turbine Cascade
Influence Of Secondary Flow Phenomena On Boundary Layer Thickness And Wall Heat Flux In Scalloped Radial Turbines
The Efficient Numerical Simulation of Unsteady Flow in a Centrifugal Compressor Stage Equipped with a Vaned Diffuser
Numerical Study of Effect of Wall Heating Conditions on Heat Transfer Performance of Rotating Internal Cooling Channel
Efforts to improve aero engine performance through the optimal design of heat recuperation systems targeting fuel consumption and pollutant emissions reduction
Gas turbine blade geometry variation due to fouling
A Comparison of Performance Predictions Between 1D Models and Numerical Data for a Turbocharger Compressor
Study on water extraction of hollow stationary blade under wet steam flow conditions
Rotor tip stall from a designer’s perspective
Experimental and numerical validation study of the labyrinth seal configurations
Implementation of an adjoint thermal solver for inverse problems
Numerical investigation of secondary flow and loss development in a low-pressure turbine cascade with divergent endwalls
A CFD Based Throughflow Method With Three-Dimensional Flow Features Modelling
On the capability of transition models to predict relaminarization
A Novel Optimization Based Design Method for Centrifugal Fans
Influence Of Pressure Fluctuations On The Mean Value Of Different Pneumatic Probes
Time resolved PIV measurements of the unsteady wake migration in a LPT blade passage: effect of the wake passing frequency
Numerical analysis of secondary flow topologies of low-speed axial fans from compressor to load-controlled windmill
Experimental analysis of the unsteady, turbulent flow through the fan stage of a high-bypass turbofan in windmilling conditions
Large Eddy Simulation of a low pressure compressor cascade at high incidence
Establishment of an open 3D steam turbine flutter test case
Experience in numerical simulation of turbulent wet-steam flow in the last stage of a high-power condensing turbine under conditions defined by full-scale experiments at a power plant
Hybrid Large Eddy Simulations of an Uncooled High Pressure Turbine Stator-Rotor Stage
Performance of a wet-steam turbine stator blade with heating steam injection
A Comparative Study of Transient Blade Row and Blade Count Scaling Approaches for Numerical Forced Response Analysis in a Transonic Turbine
Surface Temperature Measurements in an Industrial Gas Turbine Using Thermal History Paints
Linear stability analysis of rotating stall in a wide vaneless diffuser
Tip Clearance Influence on Aerodynamic Damping Maps
Experimental investigation of transmission loss in an automotive turbocharger compressor under ideal and real engine operating conditions
effects of the approximations embodied in the momentum theory as applied to the nrel phase vi wind turbine
Adjoint based design optimisation of an internal cooling channel U-bend for minimized pressure losses
Development and Implementation of a Technique for Fast Five-Hole Probe Measurements Downstream of a Linear Cascade
Measurements of Ingress in Upstream and Downstream Turbine Wheel-Spaces
Numerical Studies of Turbine Rim Sealing Flows on a Chute Seal Configuration
Interphase processes analysis in moist air transonic flows in nozzles
Combined optimisation of the last stage and diffuser in a steam turbine using meta-model
Towards a Holistic Prediction of Fan Stage Tone Noise Mechanisms
Reynolds number effects on the aerodynamics of compact axial compressors
Multi-disciplinary optimisation of a compressor rotor subjected to ice impact
Exergy analysis on Turbocharger Radial Turbine with Heat Transfer
MICRO TURBO-FUEL-CELL-TECHNOLOGY: Hybrid compact turbo machinery technology and thermodynamic aspects regarding design parameters of a high efficient MGT-SOFC-system
Prediction and Validation of High-Performance Centrifugal Compressor Impeller Forced Response
Heat Transfer Analysis Of A Rotating Ribbed Channel By Means Of Large Eddy Simulations
New Phenomenological and Power-Based Approach for Determining the Heat Flows of a Turbocharger Directly from Hot Gas Test Data
Understanding fan blade tip aerodynamics
Centrifugal pumps performance estimation with non-Newtonian fluids: review and critical analysis
Experimental and numerical investigation of the effect of compressor OGV profile on combustor exit measurements using an isothermal, non-reacting tracer
Ejector tip injection system for active aerodynamic compressor stabilization part I: design and experiment
High efficient steam turbine design based on automated design space exploration and optimization techniques
Reduced Order Modeling of Mistuned Bladed Disks considering Aerodynamic Coupling and Mode Family Interaction
Challenges of creating realistic periodical unsteady inflow conditions in a linear compressor cascade
Investigation of transonic and supersonic flow in the blade cascades representing rotor tip sections of the last lp steam turbine stage at different turbulence intensities
Flutter Analysis of an Embedded Blade Row with a Harmonic Balance Solver
Experimental and numerical investigation of a low aspect ratio transonic linear turbine cascade
Analysis Of Aerodynamic Interaction Of A Morphing Blade Using Fsi Approach: Shape Modifications And Fan Performance
High temperature eddy current sensor system for turbine blade tip clearance measurements
The Influence Of Different Wake Profiles On Losses In A Low Pressure Turbine Cascade
Full Annulus Simulations of a Transonic Axial Compressor Stage with Distorted Inflow at Transonic and Subsonic Blade Tip Speed
Advanced Stereo High-Speed PIV in an Annular Cascade without Clearance: Evidences of Rotating Instability
Impact of inlet distortion on fan tonal noise
Optimal perturbations in transitional and turbulent flows at moderate Reynolds numbers
Active Boundary Layer Control on a highly loaded Turbine Exit Case profile
Experimental And Numerical Analysis Of Supersonic Blade Profiles Developed For Highly Loaded Impulse Type Steam Turbine Stages
Linear stability prediction of vortex structures on high pressure turbine blades
Hot streak evolution in an axial HP turbine stage
Potential of aeroelastic tailoring to improve flutter stability of turbomachinery compressor blades
Study on the Equation of State for Supercritical CO2 Flow through a Convergent and Divergent Nozzle
Aerodynamic interactions between a high pressure turbine stage and a shroud cavity
Analysis of vaneless diffuser stall instability in a centrifugal compressor
Technical and Aerodynamical Aspects of a High Pressure Synthesis Gas Turbocompressor Modernization
The boundary layer separation from streamlined surfaces and new ways of its prevention in diffusers
Multi-Fidelity Surrogate Models for Predicting the Aerodynamic Performance of Turbine Airfoils
Adjoint Process Chain for Forced Response Analysis Using a Harmonic Balance Method
Speed-Up Methods for The Modeling of Transient Temperatures With Regard to Thermal and Thermomechanical Fatigue
LES of the LS89 cascade: influence of inflow turbulence on the flow predictions
Reduction methods of secondary flow losses in stator blades: numerical and experimantal study
Centrifugal compressor diffuser Rotating Stall: Vaneless Vs. Vaned
Automated 3D design of low pressure turbine airfoils using a GPU accelerated adjoint method
Influence Of Cooling On The Transition Location In A Straight High Pressure Turbine Cascade
Stochastic Variation of the Aero-Thermal Flow Field in a Cooled High-Pressure Transonic Vane Configuration
Influence of Measurement Grid Resolution on Duct Loss Evaluation
Toward a near-field CAA-CFD coupling approach: Application to a centrifugal blower
Computational Investigation Of Aerodynamic And Acoustic Characteristics Of Counter Rotating Fan With Ultra High Bypass Ratio
Aeroelastic investigation of turbine blade assemblies: cluster system and mistuned rows
Numerical Characterization of Entropy Noise With a Density Based Solver
The Influence Of Secondary Flows In The Thrust Acting On The Axis Of A Radial Lox Pump
The Influence of Combustor Swirl on Pressure Losses and the Propagation of Coolant Flows at the Large Scale Turbine Rig (LSTR)
Ejector tip injection system for active aerodynamic compressor stabilization part II: CFD investigations
Simulation of Indexing and Clocking with Harmonic Balance
The Design of a Family of Process Compressor Stages
Using automated optimisation to calibrate a correlation-based transition model
High Resolution Experimental and Computational Methods for Modelling Multiple Row Effusion Cooling Performance
Preliminary Design Considerations for Variable Geometry Radial Turbines with Multi-Points Specifications
Prediction and augmentation of nozzle guide vane film cooling hole pressure margin
Comparison of LES and RANS predictions with experimental results of the fan of a turbofan
Analysis of a high-pressure multistage axial compressor at off-design conditions with coarse Large Eddy Simulations
The Optimal Vortex Pump Impeller – An Experimental Study on Clogging Behaviour
Experimental Determination of the Effectiveness of a Sound Absorbing Turbine Exit Casing
Beamforming studies on basic models of low-speed axial fan blade sections
Impact Of Different Shroud Configurations On Leakage Flow Of a LP Rotor
Development And Commissioning Of A Purge Flow System In A Two Spool Test Facility
Budget Analysis of Turbulent Kinetic Energy in a Tip-Leakage Flow of a Single Blade: RANS Vs Zonal LES
Aerodynamic Performance Comparison of High Power Turboprop S-Duct Intake on Channel Wing at Varying Azimuth
Study relating to the improvement of centrifugal fan performance with the use of steady air injection at the impeller inlet
A Numerical Concept Study On Internal Blade Cooling in Axial Compressors
Thermo-Fluid Dynamics of the Effects of Water Spray on Air Compression Process
Numerical investigation on transient flow of a high head pump-turbine in pump mode during rapid closure of wicket gates
Effects of hub endwall geometry and rotor leading edge shape on performance of supersonic axial impulse turbine. Part I
Investigation on the flow in a rotor-stator cavity with centripetal through-flow
Rotational Speed of a Damaged Fan Operating at Windmill
Application of the Time Transformation Method for a Detailed Analysis of Multistage Blade Row Interactions in a Shrouded Turbine
Experimental and Numeric Investigations on a Steam Turbine Test Rig in Part Load Operation
Measurement and simulation of a turbulent boundary layer exposed to acceleration along a flat plate
Film Cooling Effectiveness Downstream of Optimised Cross Corrugated Slot Geometry with Exit Shaping
Experimental And Numerical Study Of The Transonic Cooled Turbine Blades
Optimization Of The Ls89 Axial Turbine Profile Using A Cad And Adjoint Based Approach
Investigation of the performance of short diffuser configurations for different inflow profiles
Modelling Of Turbine Blade Vibrations Via Computational Intelligence Methods
Local and global analysis of a variable pitch fan turbofan engine
Genetic Optimization of the Volute of a Centrifugal Compressor
Smith diagram for Low Reynolds number axial fan rotors
Impact of Turbulence Models on RANS-Informed Prediction of Fan Broadband Interaction Noise
Performance analysis of compact multistage pumps manufactured from sheet metal
Remarks On The Meridional Design Of Mixed Flow Fans
Identification of Coupled Natural Frequencies in a Rotor-Stator Test-Rig for Different Gas Properties
Preliminary experimental assessment of the performance of rotor-only axial fans designed with different vortex criteria
Air-water two-phase flow experimental and numerical analysis in a centrifugal pump
The effect of hot streaks on a high pressure turbine vane cascade with showerhead film cooling
Gas turbine blades internal cooling: design, development, and validation of a new rig for heat transfer measurements under rotation.
Influence of Reynolds number variation method on centrifugal compressor loss generation
Experimental Characterization of the Surge Onset in a Turbo-compressor for Fuel Cell Application
Loss generation in radial outflow steam turbine cascades
Influence of Operational Geometry Changes on Turbine Acoustics
Influence of Varying Free-Stream Turbulence on S-Duct Aerodynamics
Unsteady Aerodynamics and Forces Characteristics of Dual Row Control Stage with Partial Admission Condition
Parameterised model of 2D combustor exit flow conditions for hpt simulations
On the modal sound field at the outlet of a turbocharger centrifugal compressor
Next generation of large civil aircraft engines-concepts & technologies
Recent Advances in the Analysis and Design of Marine Propulsors
The physics of turbulent boundary layers
A Comparison of Nonlinear Actuator Disk Methods for the Performance Analysis of Ducted Propellers
Prediction of the Unsteady Turbine Trailing Edge Wake Flow Characteristics and Comparison with Experimental Data
Uncertainty Quantification and Robust Optimization for Throughflow Axial Compressor Design
Influence of the Thermal Boundary Conditions on the Heat Transfer of a Rib-Roughened Cooling Channel using LES
Comparisons Between Experimental Measurements and RANS-Based Simulations on the Aerodynamics of a Horseshoe Vortex Configuration
Design of an Engine Quickstart System for Rotorcraft Application
POD Analysis of the Wake-Boundary Layer Unsteady Interaction in a LPT Blade Cascade
A High Efficiency Microturbine Concept
Unsteady Behavior of Corner Separation in a Compressor Cascade-LES and Experimental Study
Aerodynamic investigation of the tip section for titanium blade 54″
Toward a High-Order Preserving Sliding-Mesh Approach for Computational Aeroacoustics in Subsonic Turbomachinery
Optimal Design of High Pressure Steam Turbine Stage using Computational Fluid Dynamics
Blade Tip Clearance and Blade Vibration Measurements using a Magnetoresistive Sensor
Realistic Velocity And Turbulence Intensity Profiles at the Combustor-Turbine Interaction (CTI) Plane in a Nozzle Guide Vane Test Facility
Film Cooling Effectiveness Measurements on Engine Representative Trailing Edge Slots including Cutback Surface Protuberances
Aeroacoustical and flow analysis in an automotive turbocharger centrifugal compressor by CFD calculations and measurements
Aerodynamic Performance of a Very-High-Lift Low-Pressure Turbine Airfoil (T106C) at Low Reynolds and High Mach Number Including the Effect of Incoming Periodic Wakes
Experimental Characterization of Stall Phenomena in a Single Stage Low Pressure Axial Compressor
Unsteady Flow and Acoustic Behaviour of an Axial Fan: Numerical and Experimental Investigations
Application of an Analytical Noise Models Using Numerical and Experimental Fan Data
Deterministic Analysis of Vane-Blade Interactions in Self-Rectifying Radial Turbines for OWC Plants
Experimental Investigations of Secondary Flow Development Around Tandem Vanes in a 2D Linear Stator Compressor Cascade
Experimental Identification of Rotating Instability on an Axial Fan with Shrouded Rotor
Facility for Investigating the Flow in a Low Pressure Turbine Exit Structure
Hot-wire measurements in a Direct Driven high speed Turbo Fan (DDTF) rig
Turbine Design and Optimisation for Oscillating Water Column Power Plants Using a Multi-Fidelity Design System
A Comparison Between Experimental and Numerical Analysis of a Wells Turbine
Aeroacoustic analysis of a steam turbine double seat control valve
Forced Response Analysis of a Transonic Turbine Using a Free Interface Component Mode Synthesis Method
Design and Operation of a Low Speed Test Turbine Facility
A Computational Investigation of the Effect of Surface Roughness on Heat Transfer on the Stator Endwall of an Axial Turbine
CFD study on special duty centrifugal pumps operating with viscous and non-Newtonian fluids
Using Shape Memory Alloys for Improving Automotive Fan Blade Performances: Experimental and CFD Analysis
Investigation of Turbo Machinery and Jet Noise of the V2500 Engine During Ground Tests with an A320 Aircraft
Probabilistic Analysis of Manufacturing Uncertainties for an Automotive Turbocharger Centrifugal Compressor using Numerical and Experimental Methods
Comparative Analyses of Micro-Particle Impact between Transonic and Subsonic Axial Compressors
Unsteady Pressure Measurements of Spike Type Inception in Axial Compressor: Time Frequency Analysis and Averaging Procedure
CFD Studies on Smooth and Rough Airfoil Surfaces and Their Effects on Laminar Turbulent Transition and Heat Transfer
Analysis of the Flow Structure in a Radial Turbine
Preliminary Investigation of Passive Tip-Injection in a Linear Turbine Cascade with Shrouded Blades
Numerical Analysis of the S-Shape Characteristic in a Pump-Turbine
New Design Approach for a Highly Loaded Counter-Rotating Mixed-Flow Pump in Cavitation Conditions
A Harmonic Balance Method in Graphics Processing Units for Vibrating Blades
Numerical Simulation of Acoustic Liners in Nacelle Turbofans towards Aircraft Noise Reduction
Development and Application of an Integrated Aero-Mechanical Design Methodology for a Bladed Drum Low-Pressure Compressor
Design and Verification of a Micro Wells Turbine for Mediterranean Operations
Experimental Flow and Performance Investigations of Cavity Purge Flows in a High Pressure Turbine Stage
Comparison of Different Methods for the Analysis of Time-Resolved Flow Field Measurements in an Axial Turbine
A Hybrid Parallelization Strategy of a CFD Code for Turbomachinery Applications
Advanced Endwall Contouring for Loss Reduction and Outflow Homogenization for an Optimized Compressor Cascade
Influence of Honeycomb Rubbing on Tip Seal Performance of Turbine Rotor
Prediction of particle erosion in the internal cooling channels of a turbine blade
CFD-Based Investigation of Turbine Tonal Noise Induced by Steady Hot Streaks
Design of Next Generation Snow Gun Fans
Design Guidelines for Low Pressure Axial Fans Based on CFD-Trained Meta-Models
Numerical Investigation of Rotor and Stator Clocking Effect Applied to a Rig-Model of Highly Loaded Two-Stage Compressor
Investigation on the Solid-Liquid Flow in the Rear Chamber of a Submersible Multi-Stage Slurry Pump
Boundary Layer Suction for Secondary Flow Control in a Compressor Cascade at Off Design Conditions
Flat Plate Honeycomb Seals Acoustic Analysis
Advanced Study of Secondary Flow Structures in a Highly Loaded Compressor Cascade
Comparison of an Acoustically Optimized and an Aerodynamically Optimized Exit Guide Vane
Experimental Investigation of Flow within a Rotor Stator Cavity
Influence of a Multi-Hole Pressure Probe on the Flow Field in Axial-Turbines
Gurney Flaps on Axial Pumps
Analysis of the influence of periodic passing wakes on the secondary flow near the endwall of a linear LPT cascade using DNS and U-RANS
Integrated Flow Simulation of the Fan and High-Pressure Compressor Stages of a Turbofan at Windmill
Characterization of Secondary Flows in a High Blockage Ratio Internal Cooling Channel
Conjugated Heat Transfer Simulation for Electrical Driven Fan Systems
Profile Adaptation for Coherent Structure Reduction on Backward-Forward Sweep
Application Of The Non-Linear Harmonic Method To Flutter Calculation In Multi-Row Turbomachinery
Performance Improvement of a High Pressure Steam Turbine by Optimizing the Exhaust Geometry Using CFD
On the Acoustics of a Turning Mid Turbine Frame with Embedded Design in a Two-Stage Test-Turbine
Investigating unsteady secondary flows in a linear low pressure turbine cascade: A combined experimental and numerical study
Spatially Resolved Acoustic and Aerodynamic Studies Upstream and Downstream of an Industrial Axial Fan with Involvement of the Phased Array Microphone Technique
Aerodynamic Investigation of External Cooling and Applicability of Superposition
Exhaust Flow Pulsation Effect on Radial Turbine Performance
Characteristics of Turbulence in a High Speed Low Pressure Turbine Rig Using Hot-Wire Anemometry
Unsteady RANS Simulations of a Low Speed Fan for Analytical Tonal Noise Prediction
Numerical Investigations of Different Tip Designs for Shroudless Turbine Blades
Numerical Analysis of Stator-Stator Interactions in a One and One-Half Stage High Pressure Turbine
The Influence of Labyrinth Flows on the Aerodynamic Performance of an Axial Compressor
Transition Calculations with the MARVS Reynolds Stress Model
Analytical Loss Prediction for Turbocharger Compressors
Improving the Design of Steam Turbine Inlet Valves by Numerical Methods for Enhanced Part Load Operation
Numerical and Experimental Analysis of LP Steam Turbine Blades Coupled with Lacing Wire
Heat Transfer Characteristics of High Crossflow Impingement Channels: Effect of Number of Holes
Unstructured Shock-Fitting Calculations of Transonic Turbo-Machinery Flows
Analysis of Dirichlet-Robin Interface Condition in Transient Conjugate Heat Transfer Problems. Application to a Flat Plate with Convection
Experimental and Numerical Determination of Pressure and Velocity Distribution Inside a Rotor-Stator Cavity at Very High Circumferential Reynolds Numbers
Effects of Realistic Inflow Conditions on the Aero-Thermal Performance of a Film-Cooled Vane
Supersonic Impulse Turbine For Automotive Waste Heat Recovery: a Comparison of Three Designs of Turbine Blade Profiles
Steady/Unsteady Diffuser Flow in a Transonic Centrifugal Compressor
Investigating Endwall-Blade Fillet Radius Variation to Reduce Secondary Flow Losses
Experimental and Numerical Flow Investigation of a Centripetal Supersonic Turbine for Organic Rankine Cycle Applications
Verification Of The Three Dimensional Shock-Structures in an S-Shaped Transonic UHBR Fan-Rotor
Response of a Transonic Compressor to a Massive Inlet Distortion
Performance Measurements of a Full-Stage Centrifugal Process Gas Compressor Test Rig
Evaluation of Two Unsteady Numerical Approaches for the Simulation of Multi-Frequency Turbomachinery Flows
Analysing Non-Synchronous Blade Vibrations in a Transonic Compressor Rotor
High Order SPH-ALE Method for Hydraulic Turbine Simulations
Numerical 3D RANS Simulation of Gas-Liquid Flow in a Centrifugal Pump with an Euler-Euler Two-Phase Model and a Dispersed Phase Distribution
Buoyancy Effects at High Rotation Number on the Flow Field Inside a Triangular Shaped Rib Roughened Channel
Experimental Studies of Liquid Film Suction from Turbine Stator Blade Surface in Wet Steam Flow
Analysis of Losses in Centrifugal Pumps with Low Specific Speed with Smooth and Rough walls
Flow analysis of the turbine rotor tip seal on a highly rotary test rig
Loss and Deviation in Windmilling Fans
Experimental Analysis of Instability Phenomena in a High-Head Reversible Pump-Turbine at Large Partial Flow Condition
An Algebraic Intermittency Model Added to the k-Ω RANS Model for Transition Simulation
A Detailed View on the Mixing and Loss Generation Process During Steam Admission Concerning Geometry, Temperature and Pressure
Estimation of Turbine Noise Benefits Due to Acoustically Treated Outlet Guide Vanes
Investigation of the Inlet Filter Influence on Unsteady Flow Phenomena in a Single-Stage Centrifugal Blower
Numerical and Experimental Study on Aerodynamic Optimization of Part-Span Connectors in the Last Stage of an LP Industrial Steam Turbine
Investigation of the Potential for Optimization of Hydraulic Axial Thrust Balancing Methods in a Centrifugal Pump
Gas Turbine Performance Diagnostics and Fault Isolation Based on Multidimensional Complex Health Vector Space
An Overview of Hot Gas Ingestion Research at the University of Bath
Non-Equilibrium Spontaneous Condensation in Transonic Steam Flow Through Linear Cascade
Validation of Time-Domain Single-Passage Methods for the Unsteady Simulation of a Contra-Rotating Open Rotor
Aero-thermal Investigation of End Wall and Showerhead Cooling in a Nozzle Vane Cascade
Experimental and Numerical Study of a Gas Turbine Exhaust Diffuser Applying Different Hub Extension Geometries
An Object Oriented Sequential Network Modelling Approach
Influence of Acoustic Reflection on Flutter Stability of an Embedded Blade Row
Experimental Research on Flow in a 5-Stage High Pressure Rotor of 1000 MW Steam Turbine
Prediction of Erosion Induced by Solid Particles in a Water Turbine
Simulations of Particulate Flows Through a Radial Gas Turbine
Entropy Wave Generator for Indirect Combustion Noise Experiments in a High-Pressure Turbine
Modelling the Influence of Vortex Shedding on Trailing Edge Cutback Film Cooling at Different Blowing Ratios
Aerodynamic Performance Of an Ultra-Low Aspect Ratio Centripetal Turbine Stator
Analysis of variable Geometry Nozzle Flow with Twisted Vanes in Radial Turbines
Experimental and Numerical Evaluation of the NPSH R Curve of an Industrial Centrifugal Pump
Unsteady CFD Simulation of a Turning Mid Turbine Frame with Embedded Design
Separation control by acoustic excitation on highly loaded low pressure turbine blades
Physics of vibrating low pressure turbine airfoils
Loosely coupled fluid/solid heat transfer analysis using a dynamic HTC approach
Performance improvement of a radial ORC turbine by means of automated CFD design
Modelling of nuclear power plant steam turbines with simplifications
Investigation of the roughness strip effects on the separation-induced transition with the γ- Re Θt transition model on a high-lift low-pressure turbine rotor blade at steady conditions
Condensation of steam with chemical impurity in a turbine
Numerical assessment of the noise emission of counter-rotating open rotors
Thermodynamical and mechanical modelling analysis of high-speed turbomachine rotors
CHT analyses of an industrial gas turbine blade: comparison between an in-house developed decoupled procedure and CFD coupled simulations
Application of harmonic balance method to the simulation of unsteady rotor/stator interaction in the single stage
Numerical investigation on the aerodynamics of a tunnel ventilation fan during pressure pulses
Aircraft engine sensor fault detection, isolaton and reconfiguration using fuzzy logic control based unknown input observer
Modelling rotor-rotor interaction on reduced passage counts using a time-domain Fourier approach
Three-dimensional near wall flow phenomena of a tandem cascade
Low weight, high speed automotive fan design by 3D inverse method
HPC design based on multidisciplinary numerical simulation
New stabilization methods of flows in plane, conic and annular diffusers
Comparison of stationary internal cooling passage numerical simulations to experimental data
Investigations of heat transfer and pressure loss in an engine-similar two-pass internal blade cooling configuration
Numerical analyses of a cavitating Pelton Turbine
Experimental analysis of the flow through the fan stage of a high-bypass turbofan in windmilling conditions
Stationary internal cooling passage experiments for an engine realistic configuration
Vortex development induced by part gap geometry and endwall configurations for variable stator vanes in a compressor cascade
Quantification of the numerical solution sensitivity to tip clearance dimensions in an axial multistage compressor
Temporal behavior of a boundary layer separation within a radial vaned diffuser
Experimental investigations of endwall flow in a highly loaded annular compressor stator cascade
Numerical simulation of a compressor facility test rig at near-surge operating conditions
Film-cooling adiabatic effectiveness measurements on a real high pressure turbine blade
Influence of the clearance size on rotating instability in an axial compressor stator
Influence of vane carrier design in steam extraction modules on the flow conditions of the subsequent turbine stage
Steam flow through a two-stage turbine with rotor drum arrangement
Evolution of the aerodynamic stability of an oscillating annular compressor cascade with inlet reverse flow condition variations
Impact of the large-scale environment on the tonal noise of axial fans
Evaluation of unsteady CFD models applied to the analysis of a transonic HP turbine stage
Small horizontal axis wind turbine: analytical blade design and comparison with RANS-predicted flow field and performance data
Experimental investigation on the heat transfer in a turbine airfoil leading edge region: effects of the wedge angle and jet impingement geometries
Heat transfer and friction in circular ducts with shaped ribs
Study of the acoustic resonance occurring in a multistage highspeed axial compressor
Numerical investigation on the influence of anisotropic surface structures on the skin friction
Performance prediction and optimization of low pressure axial fans by artificial neural networks
High-order discontinuous Galerkin solution of the RANS and explicit algebraic Reynolds stress Κ–Ω equations in turbomachinery flows
Design of the primary liquid-metal pump of the Myrrha research reactor
Three-dimensional gusts for the prediction of tonal fan noise
High-speed aerodynamic investigation of the midsection of a 48″ rotor blade for the last stage of steam turbine
Low speed numerical and experimental validation of a solving methodology for the inverse heat conduction problem by means of quantitative infra-red thermography
Influence of regeneration-induced variances of stator vanes on the vibration behaviour of rotor blades in axial turbines
A Comparative study of RANS, URANS and NLES approaches for flow prediction in pin fin array
Unsteady wall pressure measurement in an one-and-a-half stage axial transonic compressor during stall inception
Modelling unsteadinesses and polydispersion in wet steam flows using the quadrature method of moments and a two-equation model
Sensitivity and uncertainty of the radial mode analysis for turbomachinery applications
Model-based control and diagnostic techniques for operational improvements of gas turbine engines
Description of the unsteady flow pattern from peak efficiency to near surge in a subsonic centrifugal compressor stage
New double-shaft compressor for two-shaft combined cycle power units and prospects of their application
Potential of power recovery of an axial fan in windmilling operation
Experimental comparison between a counter-rotating axial-flow fan and a conventional rotor-stator stage
The unsteady low-frequency aerodynamic forces acting on rotor blades in the first two stages of a jet engine axial compressor in the case of a bird strike
Simulation of near surge instabilities onset in a turbocharger compressor
Experimental and numerical investigations to extend the validity range of a turbine loss correlation for ultra-low aspect ratios in transonic flow
Aerodynamic design studies of a transonic centrifugal compressor impeller based on automated 3D-CFD optimization
Optimization and validation of trailing edge blowing for the reduction of rotor-stator interaction noise
Study of the aerodynamic instabilities in an axial flow compressor using 3D-1D codes coupling approach
Steady CFD simulations of trailing edge film cooling in a linear nozzle vane cascade
An advanced axial-slot casing treatment on a tip-critical transonic compressor rotor Part 1: Unsteady hot wire and wall pressure measurements
An advanced axial-slot casing treatment on a tip-critical transonic compressor rotor Part 2: Taking a closer look with CFD
Enhanced loss prediction for admission through circumferential slots in axial steam turbines
Experimental aeroelastic investigation of vibrating turbine blade clusters
The tip clearance effects on the centrifugal compressor vaneless diffuser flow fields at off-design conditions
Circumferential grooves for a modern transonic compressor: Aerodynamic effects, benefits and limitations
Predicted performance of brush seals: Porous medium versus resolved bristle matrix and comparison with experimental data
The effects of Reynolds number and roughness on compressor performance
Numerical simulations of Small Turbodrill performance
Control of secondary flow structures on a highly loaded compressor cascade
Performance testing of a low-pressure compressor
Application of a new numerical solver to turbomachinery flow problems
Unsteady velocity PIV measurements and 3D numerical calculation comparisons inside the impeller of a radial pump model
A numerical comparison on the aerodynamic performances of a two-stage two-spool turbine facility predicted by steady and unsteady simulations
A generic steam turbine exhaust diffuser with tip leakage modelling and non-uniform hood outlet
Review and collection of preliminary design rules for low solidity diffusers
Study on the effects of axial clearance size on the operation of an axial flow electric motor cooling fan
Automated optimization of the non-axisymmetric hub endwall of the rotor of an axial compressor
TurboSphere - Multistage micro turbine for secondary energy sources recovery
On the interaction of streamwise vorticity with a rotating turbine blade
Experimental investigation of unsteadiness associated with film cooling flow ejection from the vane pressure side
Application of thermochromic liquid crystal mixtures for transient heat transfer measurements
Shroud contour optimization for a turbocharger centrifugal compressor trim family
Semi automated improvement of wind blade design
Numerical analysis of compressor blade flutter in modern gas turbine engines
Adjoint optimisation of a high pressure turbine stage for a lean-burn combustion system
Experimental study of the effects of temperature variation on droplet size and wetness fraction in a low pressure model steam turbine
The design of ultra-high-speed miniature centrifugal compressors
Two-fluid model for prediction of wet steam flow
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