- Performance improvement of the CFM56-3 aircraft engine by electric power transfer
- Introduction of a novel test rig for the investigation of fluid-structure interaction effects in steam turbine control valves using an elastic model
- Combined experimental and CFD investigation of flat plate film cooling through fan shaped holes
- Numerical investigation of Two-Phase air-water flow in a centrifugal pump with closed or semi-open impeller
- Sensitivity of the aerodynamics damping coefficient prediction to the turbulence modelling conjugated with the vibration mode shape.
- Uncoupled CFD-FEA methods for the thermomechanical analysis of turbochargers
- The effect of shroud design on flow structure at the tip area and stage efficiency
- Multi-channel casing design for radial turbine operation control
- Thermodynamic analysis of the net power oxy-combustion cycle
- Flutter analysis of a steam turbine blade with frequency and time-domain solvers
- Design, integration and operation of a rotating combustor-turbine-interaction test rig within the scope of EC FP7 project FACTOR
- Comparison of different models for determination of erosion wear in centrifugal pumps
- Numerical investigation on the design of circumferential groove casing treatments in a radial compressor
- Heat transfer in a square ribbed channel: evaluation of turbulent heat transfer models
- Prediction of the acoustic influence of an intake on fan flutter: a comparison of numerical methods
- Assessment of statistical eddy-viscosity turbulence models for unsteady flow at part and overload operation of centrifugal pumps
- Adjoint-based multi-point and multi-objective optimization of a turbocharger radial turbine
- Aerothermal predictions of combustor/turbine interactions using advanced turbulence modeling
- Fsi modelling of an industrial centrifugal compressor stage operation at stable and unstable operating points
- Aerodynamical and aeroelastic investigations of a riblet design applied on the surface of turbine exit guide vanes of a low pressure turbine
- Numerical and experimental study of the aerodynamic and aeroelastic performance of a low pressure turbine
- Validation of RANS simulations of the flow in a short highly bent intake duct
- Impact of underlying RANS turbulence models in Zonal Detached Eddy Simulation: application to a compressor rotor
- Investigation of the wall pressure fluctuations, the operational deflection shapes and the airborne noise radiation of a single stage radial pump
- Experimental investigation of transient characteristics of single-blade and two-blade pumps
- Sensitivity analysis, design, instrumentation, and experimental validation of a novel labyrinth seal rig
- A higher fidelity approach for incorporating tip shroud geometry into aerodynamic flutter computations of rotating turbomachinery
- Turbulence intensity measurements across a NGV cooled cascade with representative Lean Burn combustor outflow
- Metamodel-assisted multidisciplinary design optimization of a radial compressor
- A new rotating test facility for the experimental characterisation of shaft seals
- Improvement of the performance of an axial fan with counter-rotation
- Prediction of erosion in an axial turbine with initial position of blade
- Unconventional centrifugal bladeless turbine for low power range turboexpander applications
- Improvement of a gas turbine exhaust hood and diffuser performance within spatial limitations
- Steady and unsteady RANS simulations of heat transfer on a turbine vane endwall with inlet boundary layer skew
- Stabilizing effects of supercritical CO2 fluid properties on compressor operation
- Numerical fatigue analysis of a prototype Francis turbine runner in low-load operation
- Experimental investigation on performance of a control stage turbine under partial admission
- Evaporation modelling of water droplets in a transonic compressor cascade under fogging conditions
- Analysis of nodal diameter zero blade vibrations of a radial turbine
- Sound source localisation at an axial contra-rotating fan by means of PIV and rotational beamforming
- Comparison of the cubic equations of state and different transport properties models for ORC turbines modeling
- Numerical investigation of the lean effects in centrifugal compressors
- Simulations and experimental investigations on the acoustic characterisation of centrifugal pumps of different specific speed
- On the validity of the axial momentum theory as applied to the uniformly-loaded propeller
- Aerodynamics and strength of a two-tier stage based on a fork-shape blade
- An experimental and numerical study of flow and heat transfer in cooling channels with pin fin-dimple and pin fin-groove arrays
- Operating range extension of an open impeller centrifugal compressor stage utilising 3D diffuser end wall contouring
- Coupled FE-CFD analysis of transient conjugate heat transfer
- Effect of Stall Fence on the Performance of an Axial Turbine for Wave Energy Conversion
- Effects of hub endwall geometry and rotor leading edge shape on performance of supersonic axial impulse turbine. Part II: Method validation and final results.
- Impact of leakage inlet swirl angle in a rotor-stator cavity on flow pattern, radial pressure distribution and frictional torque in a wide circumferential Reynolds number range
- Neural network topology for wind turbine analysis
- Effect of manufacturing tolerance in flow past a compressor blade
- Characterization of the unsteady aerodynamics of optimized turbine blade tips through modal decomposition analysis
- Thermodynamic modeling of a closed gas turbine process working with Helium and stoichiometric combustion of Hydrogen and Oxygen
- Preliminary Design and performance estimation of self-rectifying turbines for application in the Channel Tunnel
- Filtered geometry modelling for fan-intake interaction based on the immersed boundary method
- Testing, modeling and simulation of fans working with organic vapors
- An integrated numerical procedure for flutter and forced response assessment of turbomachinery blade-rows
- 3D inverse problem solution used to redesign six-stage highly loaded high pressure compressor with the view of designed parameters achievement
- Experimental investigation of the aerodynamic and thermal behaviour of the film at the leading edge of a cooled nozzle vane cascade
- Surge margin optimization of centrifugal compressors using a new objective function based on local flow parameters
- Numerical optimization of air breathing radial outflow turbines
- The LEMCOTEC 1½ Stage Film-Cooled HP Turbine: Design, Integration and Testing in the Oxford Turbine Research Facility
- Robust integration of real gas models into a pressure-based coupled solver
- Efficient simulation of inlet distortion in engine fan stage using nonlinear harmonic method
- Effect of geometry variability on transonic fan blade untwist
- Axial force modelling and measurement in a single stage centrifugal pump
- Three-dimensional CFD simulation and experimental assessment of the performance of a H-shape VAWT at design and off-design conditions
- Experimental investigation of rotor tip film cooling at an axial turbine with swirling inflow conditions using pressure sensitive paint
- The continuous adjoint approach applied to the stabilized finite-element formulation of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations
- Infrared thermography investigation of heat transfer on outlet guide vanes in an engine exit module
- Numerical study of wake effects on the boundary layer of a high lift turbine cascade at several strouhal numbers and flow coefficients
- Narrow impingement channels: recent advancements and future directions
- Experimental investigation of moment coefficients in open rotor-stator disc systems
- Some guidelines for the experimental characterization of turbocharger compressors
- Gradient-free and gradient-based optimization of a radial turbine
- RANS closure by Artificial Neural Networks
- Quasi 3D nacelle design to simulate crosswind flows: merits and challenges
- Application of wavelet analysis on early stall warning in the axial compressor
- External heat transfer on nozzle guide vanes under highly swirled combustor outlet flow
- Reliable seals for turbomachines: numerical analysis of the effects of compressible fluid flow through porous materials and narrow gaps
- Impact of large tip clearance ratios on the performance of a centrifugal compressor
- Analysis of tip-gap size on tip-leakage flow in an axial fan at design and off-design operating conditions
- A method for matching compressor stage characterstics to a given load profile by operating point weighting
- Effect of rotation and holes arrangement in cold bridge type impingement cooling systems
- A semi-empirical model for predicting the frequency of profile vortex shedding relevant to low-speed axial fan blade sections
- Influence of the inlet boundary conditions on numerical flow simulations of a model kaplan turbine
- Flat plate and turbine vane film-cooling performance with laid-back fan-shaped holes
- Numerical investigation of trailing edge flow in centrifugal pump impellers
- Sampling strategies for metamodel enrichment and automotive fan optimization
- Radial Turbine Global Design for Liquid Rocket Engine Application
- Focusing schlieren visualization of transonic turbine tip-leakage flows
- Experimental and numerical investigation of CO2 dry-ice based aircraft compressor cleaning
- Vaneless diffuser for low flow rate centrifugal compressor stage
- Instantaneous flow field measurements in the interstage section between a fan and the outlet guiding vanes at different axial positions
- Coupled pressure based CFD solver for turbomachinery flows: overview of applications
- Reducing secondary flow losses in low-pressure turbines: the “SNAKED” blade
- Analysis of flow losses and their contribution to the total flow loss in an axial flow pump using the large eddy simulation method
- A novel grazing flow rig for acoustic liner investigations
- Turbine cascades of last stage blades for wide range of operating conditions
- Characterization of periodic incoming wakes in a low-pressure turbine cascade test section by means of a fast-response single sensor virtual three-hole probe
- Compressor mild surge simulation with variable nozzle models: influence of throttle area on surge behavior and aeroelastic stability at reverse flow conditions
- Modelling of a radial pump fast startup with the CATHARE-3 code and analyse of the loop response
- Dynamics of a spray formed by laminar liquid jet in modulated crossflow
- Leakage flow noise and related flow pattern in a low-speed axial fan with rotating shroud
- Prediction of aerodynamically induced fan blade vibration due to boundary layer ingestion
- Stall and recovery process of a transonic fan with inlet distortion
- Heat transfer enhancement of impingement cooling by adopting circular-ribs or vortex generators in the wall jet region of a round impingement jet
- Multiscale simulation of the hydroabrasive erosion of a pelton bucket: bridging scales to improve accuracy
- Part load resonance risk assessment of francis hydropower units
- The effects of free-stream turbulence intensity on the aerodynamic performance of compressor cascade
- Modes identification and interactions in a rotor/stator academic cavity
- Development of a one-dimensional model for the prediction of leakage flows in regenerative pumps
- Erosion behavior on a large-sized centrifugal fan
- Experimental research of noise reduction possibilities of an axial fan with an additional contra-rotor
- Design of non-axisymmetric endwall of a stator to improve the efficiency of a high pressure turbine: a pseudo objective function
- Transient flow in infinitely thin airfoil cascade
- Implementation of non-reflecting boundary conditions in a finite volume unstructured solver for the study of turbine cascades
- Influence of the numerical strategy on wall-resolved LES of a compressor cascade
- Technology development of Fast-Response Aerodynamic Pressure Probes
- Investigation of aerodynamic effects in stator components of multistage centrifugal compressors
- Optimization of a carbon-fiber composite blade of a counter-rotating fan for aircraft engines
- CFD analysis of the performance of a novel impeller for a double suction centrifugal pump working as a turbine
- Preliminary assessment of a pump used as turbine in a water distribution network for the recovery of throttling energy
- A new 1D method for assessing volute induced circumferential pressure distortion at the exit of a centrifugal impeller
- Investigation of the ventilation flow in a gas turbine package enclosure
- A novel modular test rig for experimental investigation of mixing and separation processes in turbomachines
- Body force modeling of the aerodynamics of a low-speed fan under distorted inflow
- Advances in radial fluid machinery
- Some perspectives in low pressure compressors design brought by emerging CFD technologies
- Role and Challenges of CFD in the Design of Gas Turbines
- Flutter in Turbomachine, Theoritical and Numerical Aerodynamic Analysis of Instabilities
- The pathway forward for gas and steam turbines in a world of increasing renewable source