10th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid dynamics & Thermodynamics

Paper ID:


Main Topic:

Axial Compressors


F. Crevel - Snecma Villaroche
N. Gourdain - CERFACS, Toulouse
F. Wlassow - Turbomeca, Bordes, France


Two numerical simulations on the 3.5 stage research compressor CREATE at near-surge conditions have been carried out. The domain of the first simulation consists of the 3.5 stages of the compressor, and this of the second simulation includes the compressor and the complete test rig. The numerical results are first presented and a modal analysis shows that rotating stall occurs in the first simulation, whereas modified surge is found in the second simulation. The analysis of numerical pressure probes located in the compressor and in the test rig allows to assess how the test rig influences the flow and the pressure field. Finally, an acoustic study of the domain is done to explain the differences found between the two configurations.


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