10th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid dynamics & Thermodynamics
Paper ID:
Main Topic:
Axial Compressors
The methodology to solve the interrelated problems of secondary gas flows in turbomachines, thermal and stressed states of their parts, and clearance change over a flight cycle is described using an example of high pressure compressors (HPC) of aviation engines. An iterative calculating scheme is proposed to take into account mutual interferences between these solution modules. An additional optimization module is used to minimize weight and to achieve the prescribed displacements and safety margins. Mathematical 1D and 2D models for accurate calculation of secondary flows are described in detail. The results of the application of this iterative calculation scheme for the HPC with one of the possible secondary flows design are shown. The methodology is used to estimate the efficiency of alternative secondary flows schemes with hot gas redirection to a compressor's disks hubs in order to minimize disks temperature gradients and to stabilize clearances aimed to achieve higher efficiency and gas-dynamic stability.