11th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid dynamics & Thermodynamics
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Hydraulics Machine
Growing environmental concerns, and the need for better power balancing and frequency control have increased attention in renewable energy sources, such as, the reversible pumpturbine which can provide both power generation and energy storage. Pump-turbine operation along the hump-shaped curve can lead to unusual increases in water pressure pulsations, which lead to machine vibrations. Measurements of wall pressure in the stators were performed together with high-speed flow visualizations. Starting from the best efficiency point (BEP) and by decreasing the flowrate, a significant increase of the pressure fluctuations was observed mainly in the wicket gates channels. The analyses in frequency and time-frequency domains showed a rise of low frequency components. High-speed movies revealed a quite uniform flow pattern in the guide vanes channels at the normal operating range, whereas, the flow was highly disturbed by rotating stall passage at part load. The situation was more critical in the dump flow rate range, where backflow and vortices in the guide vanes channels developed during the stall cell passage.