11th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid dynamics & Thermodynamics
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Axial turbines
Increasing the performance of aeronautical turbines is still a matter of great interest. In particular, aerodynamic losses, generated in a first low pressure vane (LPV) when it is located downstream a highly loaded transonic high-pressure turbine (HPT), are high and still partly misunderstood. The flow complexity comes from important aerodynamic interactions between the blade rows which can mainly be classified in two types: rotor-stator interactions and statorstator interactions. The purpose of the present study is to simulate accurately and quantify stator-stator interactions in a HPT-LPV configuration. A 3D unsteady RANS approach using both phase-lagged and multiple passages techniques is used to simulate the flow field. Specific post-treatments on the resulting unsteady flow field are used to assess the nature and the intensity of the different interactions. Numerical results are compared to experimental steady measurements in the inter-turbine duct and downstream of the LPV.