11th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid dynamics & Thermodynamics

Paper ID:


Main Topic:

Steam Turbines


Ch. Musch - Siemens AG, Germany
S. Hecker - Siemens AG, Germany
D. Gloss - Siemens AG, Germany
R. Steinhoff - Siemens AG, Germany


The design of modern steam turbines for power plant applications is steering for higher effi- ciencies. A considerable contribution to this aim is expected from a reduction of flow losses in turbine intakes and exhausts. The present study therefore deals with the optimization of the exhaust of a high pressure (HP) turbine. In the first part of this study a numerical model is presented which allows for a precise representation of the exhaust flow. This computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model has been validated with a fair amount of experimental data from a test rig. For the second part of the study comprehensive numerical investigations have been carried out, considering the major geometrical parameters of such a geometry. In order to minimize the effort in design time and preprocessing a fully parametric 3D model of the geometry is created to prepare the different design variations. The results of these simulations allow to assess the performance differences of given exhaust designs in the early design phase without the need for expensive CFD simulations. Finally the potential for improvement is shown by means of a comparison of an optimized design to the baseline geometry.


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