12th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid dynamics & Thermodynamics

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Stefano Castegnaro - University of Padova
Massimo Masi - University of Padova
Andrea Lazzaretto - University of Padova


Rotor-only axial fans feature rotors designed according to different vortex criteria. Nowadays the literature does not exhaustively clarify when a specific swirl distribution has to be used and which are the advantages/drawbacks in terms of fan performance and efficiency. A review of the experimental performance of rotor-only axial fans designed with different vortex criteria is summarized here in Φ-Ψ and σ-δ (specific speed - specific diameter) graphs to identify the best operating conditions of each design. Four rotor-only axial fans (two free-vortex, a constant-swirl and a rigid-body swirl one) are tested on an ISO-5801-A rig. For two of them, flow velocities at rotor exit are measured with a 5-hole probe. The result is an experimentally based map around the Cordier curve for rotor-only axial fans. Indications on the best Φ-Ψ range for fans designed using different vortex criteria are provided and explained. The effects of increasing the tip clearance on the rotor performance at design duty are investigated as well.


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