12th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid dynamics & Thermodynamics
In this work, dbnsTurbFoam, a new coupled density based solver, written in the frame-work of foam-extend, is considered. The solver is first assessed on two canonical compress-ible flow scenarios, namely the Sod’s shock tube and the ONERA S8 transonic channel. Results are compared with analytical formulations and experiments, respectively. 2-D Unsteady Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes simulations and 3-D Large Eddy Simulations of the flow within the passages of a geometrically simplified High Pressure Turbine Noz-zle Guide Vane are then performed. Results are compared against experimental data in order to justify the geometrical simplifications made. Finally, the case of a sinusoidal tem-perature forcing at the inlet is considered in order to study the phenomenon of indirect combustion noise. Notably, the impact of the forcing on the vortex shedding dynamics and on the losses is discussed.