12th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid dynamics & Thermodynamics
It is reported on systematic numerical studies on an axial compressor stage with distorted inflow. Four operating points at two speedlines have been simulated with an inflow distortion generated by a 120°-sector segment with a wedge type cross section. With this setup the interaction between the distorted inflow and the rotor flow is studied. The focus is put on the differences of the interaction between the distorted inflow and rotor flow as well as on the compressor behaviour at subsonic and transonic blade tip speed, as the general mechanisms are analyzed in more detail in previous publications. The distorted flow itself is not influenced by the blade tip speed but the interaction phenomena depend strongly on the spool speed and operating point. Also, the blade tip speed influences the circum-ferential sector of the compressor stage exit which is affected by the distorted flow. The impact reaches from a small sector at 65% spool speed, peak efficiency operating point up to nearly the entire annulus at 100% spool speed, near stall operating point.