13th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid dynamics & Thermodynamics

Paper ID:


Main Topic:

Axial turbines



Francois Cottier - MTU Aero Engine AG
Pierre Pinchaud - MTU Aero Engines AG
Guillaume Dumas - MTU Aero Engines AG


The flow and temperature fields out of a combustion chamber are characterized by high variations, spatially and temporarily. This also results in high turbulence generation. The downstream turbine stage is subject to swirling hot spots and therefore to gradients that have to be taken into account in the design and sizing of the turbine components. In addition, these spots are transported further downstream through the turbine and interact with secondary turbine flows. This paper presents comparisons between numerical calculations and measurements carried out in a cold combustor simulator – a turbine rig representative for engine OTDF and RTDF. The traverse measurements recorded after each airfoil row are compared with CFD calculations of a full turbine model including ID disc cavities. Simulating simultaneously the cold combustor and the turbine allows taking these temporal variations into account. The configuration has been computed using conventional RANS-URANS methods as well as Scale-Adaptative Simulation (SAS) for turbulence modeling, and shows that this advanced model improved the hot/cold mixing significantly.


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