13th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid dynamics & Thermodynamics
The present paper focuses on the secondary flow prediction by Zonal Detached Eddy Simulation (ZDES) in light of the issues commonly investigated for hybrid RANS/LES methods (detection and protection of attached boundary layer, emergence and growth of resolved turbulent fluctuations and accurate prediction of separation point due to progressive adverse pressure gradient). The studied configuration is the first rotor of a high pressure compressor and two RANS turbulence models, as underlying model for ZDES, are evaluated. The unsteady flow analysis shows that both tip leakage and corner flows are strongly influenced by the Navier-Stokes resolution approach (URANS vs ZDES) while the underlying turbulence modelling (SA vs SST vs BSL) impacts mainly the junction flow near the hub. The stagnation pressure losses are significantly impacted with a reduction of stagnation pressure rise with ZDES-BSL and flow redistribution along the span.