13th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid dynamics & Thermodynamics

Paper ID:


Main Topic:

Basic phenomena



Adel Ghenaiet - University of Sciences and Technology Houari Boumediene


Solid particle ingestion is one of degradation mechanisms in gas turbines. This paper aim is to study the solid particle dynamics and induced erosion in an axial turbine. Given that ash particle concentration is typically very low, a one-way coupling Lagrangian approach is adopted for particle tracking. As the location and frequency of impacts, velocity and angle of impingement are determined, the erosion rates and associated mass and geometry deterioration are assessed for different particle concentrations. The results show that the vane pressure side is completely eroded with extreme rates beyond the throat. On the other hand, the rotor blade is eroded along the leading edge extending up to the suction side and the tip corner added to the aft of pressure side. The influence of the initial position of blade on erosion pattern and intensity is also revealed. The eroded profiles may serve in predicting the aerodynamic performance degradation.


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