13th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid dynamics & Thermodynamics
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Axial turbines
The present research focuses on the analysis of the leakage flows developing from advanced blade tip geometries. The aerodynamic field of a contoured blade tip and of a high-performance rimmed blade are investigated against a baseline squealer rotor. Time-resolved numerical predictions are combined with high-frequency pressure measurements to characterize the tip leakage flow of each tip design. High spatial and temporal resolution measurements provide a detailed representation of the unsteady flow in the near-tip region and at the stage outlet. Numerical computations, based on the nonlinear harmonic method, are employed to assess the unsteady blade row interactions and identify the loss generation mechanisms depending on the tip design. The space- and time-resolved flow field is analyzed by modal decomposition to identify the main periodicities of the near-tip and outlet flow and classify the most relevant sources of aerodynamic unsteadiness and entropy generation across the stage.