13th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid dynamics & Thermodynamics
The Immersed Boundary Method has showed promising applicability for a range of fundamental flows and turbulence simulations. However, to the authors' knowledge, flows in coupled components or coupled physics scenarios, such as rotor-stator interaction, fan-intake interaction, aeroelastics, aeroacoustics, etc. are still rarely investigated using high-fidelity method. Due to its demanding computational costs, the complexity of geometry meshing process and moving boundaries limits the investigation of flows in this environment. Hence, high-fidelity simulations with an acceptable geometry modelling strategy may tackle this issue and provide more insightful understanding. There is a hierarchy of geometry modelling methods which includes the conventional Direct Mesh Resolved (DMR) method, the Immersed Boundary Method (IBM) and the IBM with Smeared Geometry (IBMsg). The present research proposed an IBM with filtered geometry (IBMfg). This method can include more realistic flow physics within each blade passages without smearing the blade cascade. It is applied to study fan-intake interaction and the focuses are on the inlet distortion transport through blade passages.