13th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid dynamics & Thermodynamics

Paper ID:


Main Topic:

Axial Compressors



Victor MILESHIN - Central Institute of Aviation Motors
Igor Orekhov - Central Institute of Aviation Motors
Pavel Kozhemyako - Central Institute of Aviation Motors
Sergey Shchipin - Central Institute of Aviation Motors


Flow structure and integral performances for a six-stage high pressure compressor (HPC) are found based on 3D viscous through-flow computation within RANS aided by the modified S.K. Godunov's implicit scheme, “3D-IMP-MULTI” software developed at CIAM. To increase the surge margin a decision was made to modify (R1) operates on the left branch of the characteristic line in the mode with a detached shock. To increase the surge margin a decision was made to modify R1, R3, R4 and R6 of HPC on the basis of 3D inverse problem solution by “3D-INVERSE.EXBL” software developed at CIAM. Results of HPC computations with the modified R1, R3, R4 and R6 showed an increase in the surge margin by 14.0%. Comparison of numerical and experimental data for individual stages and for the whole modified HPC are to be presented for verification of the numerical method of HPC performance computation and redesign.


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