13th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid dynamics & Thermodynamics

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Edward Canepa - DIME-Università di Genova
Andrea Cattanei - DIME-Università di Genova
Fabio Mazzocut Zecchin - DIME-Università di Genova


The effect of rotational speed and pressure rise on the leakage flow noise radiated by a low-speed axial fan, provided with rotating shroud, has been systematically investigated. The leakage flow noise generally increases with the blade loading, with a trend which is qualitatively independent from the rotational speed but non-monotonic, as its growth is interrupted by local minima. As the loading increases, the SPL spectrum shows important modifications, since the characteristic frequency of the subharmonic narrowband humps related to the leakage noise decreases. The flow in the gap region has been studied by means of PIV measurements taken in the meridional plane. At low blade loading, the leakage flow is restrained close to the rotor ring and, at higher loading, it forms a wide recirculation zone. In the latter conditions, an unsteady flow separation likely takes place in the blade tip region which may be observed in the instantaneous flow field only. Possibly, it is responsible for the observed frequency shift of the humps.

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