14th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid dynamics & Thermodynamics
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Aeroelastic instabilities such as flutter have a crucial role in limiting the operating range and reliability of turbomachinery. This paper offers an alternative approache to aeroelastic analysis, where the sensitivity of aerodynamic damping with respect to main flow and structural parameters is quantified through a surrogate model based investigation. The parameters are chosen based on previous studies and are represented by a uniform distribution within applicable intervals. The surrogate model is an artificial neural network, trained and tested to achieve an error within 1% of the test data. The quantity of interest is aerodynamic damping and the datasets are obtained from a linearised aeroelastic solver. The sensitivity of aerodynamic damping with respect to the input variables is obtained by calculating normalised gradients from the surrogate model at specific operating conditions. The results show a quantitative comparison of sensitivity across the different input parameters. The outcome of the sensitivity analysis is then used to decide the most appropriate action to take in order to induce stability in unstable operating conditions. The work is a preliminary study, carried out on a simplified two dimensional compressor cascade and it is aimed at proving the validity of a data driven approach in studying the aeroelastic behaviour of turbomachinery.