14th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid dynamics & Thermodynamics
Paper ID:
Main Topic:
Heat Transfer & Cooling
To meet the challenges of increased thermal loads and performance demands on aero-engine turbineblades, more advanced cooling techniques are required. This study used a modification of the wellknownGoldstein equation to predict a film effectiveness distribution for an individual film hole, andapply the Sellers Superposition method to apply these films across film holes configurations. In doingso, it tackles a relatively unchallenged problem of film holes in close spanwise proximity. Infraredcameras assessed the film effectiveness of nine geometries of varying spanwise- and streamwise- spacings.Increasing porosity led to increased film effectiveness, and the spanwise spacing had the mostprofound impact. The modified Goldstein-Sellers method showed relative agreement with experimentalresults for moderately spaced film holes. However, it significantly under-predicted film effectivenessfor low spanwise spacings. With further development, this represents a tool which could beeasily implemented in industry for rapid assessment of novel cooling geometries.