14th European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid dynamics & Thermodynamics

Paper ID:


Main Topic:

Radial turbines



Sina Kazemi Bakhshmand - Technische Universität Berlin (TU Berlin), IMEF
Ly Tai Luu - Technische Universität Berlin (TU Berlin), IMEF
Clemens Biet - Technische Universität Berlin (TU Berlin), IMEF


The performance of turbochargers is heavily influenced by heat transfer. It is a well-known fact that the heat transfer within a turbocharger is significant attributable to the high temperature gradients and its small geometric dimensions. Since the conventional adiabatic assumption poses an oversimplification which causes poor accuracies, investigations of the heat transfer effects on the turbocharger performance have always been a promising challenge for the design and development of turbochargers. However, these investigations are commonly done based on first law of thermodynamics and they are often insufficient to perceive the heat transfer effects on the aerothermodynamic performance of the turbochargers. Therefore, there is a research gap where the second law of thermodynamics needs to be applied to identify the irreversibilities and losses caused by the heat transfer within the turbocharger. This study aims to experimentally investigate the non-adiabatic performance of an automotive turbocharger turbine through energy and exergy analysis, considering heat transfer impacts. These state of art analyses are done based on experimental measurements and implementing a novel innovative power-based approach. The turbocharger is measured on the hot gas test bench at both diabatic and adiabatic conditions. The experimental data is then being used to extract the amount of heat transfer, by applying phenomenological power-based approach. Consequently, by carrying out the energy and exergy balance on the turbine side, the amount of lost available work due to heat transfer and internal irreversibilities within the turbine has been quantified. The study allows to build up a deep understanding of the impacts of heat transfer on aerothermodynamic performance of the turbochargers considering both first and second laws of thermodynamics.


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