Euroturbo obeys to the policy of amending scientifically relevant errors, or ethical issues that have been formally put forward to the society. Authors and readers may request to improve and update their published material according to the following standards.

Minor errors

Errors not affecting significance, readability or meaning (e.g., spelling, grammatical, spacing errors) do not qualify for an update.

Metadata errors

Requests to amend metadata (e.g., title, author name, abstract) may be given credit, should the corrections be considered acceptable by the editors. Once approved, the paper will be updated and re-published on the society repository. The revised version of the manuscript will be transferred to the relevant indexing databases.


Upon specific request the following errors may be considered:

  • any error that may affect the proper scientific interpretation of the contents, such as data errors or data representation (graphic or tabular);
  • typesetting errors overlooked at proofing time, such as missing figures, tables, graph and artworks;
  • inclusion or exclusion of one or more authors with the corresponding metadata from the authorship list (rarely approved);
  • addition or removal of one or more references from the bibliography (rarely approved);
  • addition or removal of specific contents from the back matter, such as funding, acknowledgements, authors contribution or conflict of interests.

Should the amendment request be approved, the paper will be updated and re-uploaded on the society repository, along with the publication of a Correction Notice, detailing all changes, linked to the amended paper. The revised version of the manuscript and the Correction Notice will be transferred to the relevant indexing databases.


Occasionally, research manuscripts are retracted from the body of the research literature because of inadvertent errors occurred during the research work, ethical breaches, plagiarism that could not be detected earlier at pre-processing stage, falsification, or fabrication of data, to quote the most relevant issues. Those errors affect the quality and the integrity of the published and disseminated material which has to be retracted.

Euroturbo closely follows the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) for retraction.

Whenever a research manuscript is retracted, a watermark and a Retraction Notice is added to the original record which is retained on the society website or repository for future reference. Clearly, retracted manuscripts should be disregarded in any further research dealing with the same topic. Retracted manuscripts maintain their original authorship and affiliation in order to be identified in the relevant indexing databases. 

Seldomly, a research manuscript will be completely removed from the Euroturbo website and the relevant indexing databases. This is the case when leaving it online would constitute an illegal act or would lead to significant harm for the Society.

Expression of Concern

For complex, inconclusive, or prolonged situations, an Expression of Concern may be published. If investigations into alleged or suspected research misconduct have not yet been completed or proved to be inconclusive, an editor may wish to publish an Expression of Concern, detailing the points of concern and what actions, if any, are in progress.

Comments and Replies

If a reader has concerns about the results or methods used in a specific paper, they should be brought forward to the Review Chair or to the pertinent editor, typically in the form of a Letter to the Editor. The latter will be considered by a team of specialists and, possibly, published on the society website. In this case the editor will solicit the authors of the manuscript to prepare a reply, to address the concerns of the reader. Should the latter be solid, convincing, and not properly rebutted by the authors, an amendment of the original manuscript will be requested. At worse, the manuscript may be retracted. 

Both the inquires and the responses will be reviewed to ensure that:

  • the comments address significant aspects of the original manuscript without becoming a new research effort;
  • the replies precisely address the concerns which have been put forward;
  • the tone and the style of both publications are appropriate;
  • no previously addressed disagreements or controversies are eligible for further publication; 
  • hardly, more than one review round is allowed to the same reader.

Only manuscripts published and disseminated by the society will be considered.