About Conferences

At the initiative of the German, English, French and Belgian Engineering Associations a European Turbomachinery Committee was founded in July 1993 with the mission to organize at European level a bi-annual international conference on fluid-dynamic and thermo-dynamic aspects of turbomachines, as a replacement for the hitherto national conferences on this subject. The conference was to…

Scope of conferences

The conference was settled up with the intent to cover from a scientific and engineering perspective, the fluid dynamics and thermodynamics involved in improving the performance, stability and sustainability characteristics in the design, development and operation of axial, mixed flow and radial turbomachines: Aero-engines and jet engines Industrial gas turbines, steam turbines Compressors and fans…

Past conferences

ETC15 – 2023, Budapest Hungary Chairman: Dr. Raúl Vázquez Díaz Paper Review Chairman: Prof. Antoine Dazin Local Conference Organizer: Prof. János Vad Number of papers: Number of participants: ETC14 – 2021, Gdańsk, Poland Chairman: Prof. Francesco Martelli Paper Review Chairman: Prof. Antoine Dazin Local Conference Organizer: Prof. Piotr Doerffer Number of papers: 150 Number of…